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straw that broke the camel's back
To all those who think online is not fixed somehow, I would like to say you live in a dream land. I play live & we do get bad beats but not to the same % as online & this is a known fact.
Ive now finally given up on this site after my final bad beat as they say
My Hole cards KK
Crazykazz cards 77
blinds 100 & 200
Crazy card flat calls 200-
We are not that lateinto the game and crazycazz has above average stack doing nicly with5640 chips, im chip leader with 8370 chips.
I push all in for whole lot as there was a couple of callers, im picking up callers and blinds
Crazykazz for his tournament life calls
I can understand this call if he was QQ KK AA AK , maybe even Jacks at a push but 7 7, even if he put me on AK or even 10 10 then its still a risk
Flop comes 4 5 9, even with this im slightly suspicious turn comes 6 & I sewar on my kids lives I knew Sky would pout a 8 on the river & river was 8
This has happened to me so many times when i have taken the chip lead & also when I have been playing high stakes cash online with lol rasie etc , when i have been playin the cash, everytime I had Aces all in pre flop I was called by 66 or lower & everytime I was sucked out, no matter how many times.
I know there are going to be a few of you die hard sky players who say why would this be a fix etc but would like to say your in dream land, these bad beats do not happen in the % that they do online & thats a fact, if you pump alot of money into sky, then they will take advantage and bad beat you as much as they can .
people have often said on here that they get a run of wins for a week & then nothing for a month, why, cause sky dragging them in for thier money, FACT
0 ·
44 v KK
74 v AK
99 v JJ
I also lost with:-
AQs v KQ
KK v 99
Standard when you run deep.
Happens on all sites and in live play.
Just part of poker!
Unlucky with the hand