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hi, new to playing omaha, is this the correct fold to make or is it too nitty?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance5tr0ngb0w1Small blind £0.02£0.02£3.09punksoxBig blind £0.04£0.06£6.47 Your hole cardsA3AK skychipsCall £0.04£0.10£14.46robyoungRaise £0.20£0.30£6.85J_9Call £0.20£0.50£1.355tr0ngb0w1Call £0.18£0.68£2.91punksoxCall £0.16£0.84£6.31skychipsFold Flop 5810 5tr0ngb0w1Bet £0.16£1.00£2.75punksoxCall £0.16£1.16£6.15robyoungCall £0.16£1.32£6.69J_9All-in £1.35£2.67£0.005tr0ngb0w1Call £1.19£3.86£1.56punksoxCall £1.19£5.05£4.96robyoungFold Turn A 5tr0ngb0w1Check punksoxCheck River 5 5tr0ngb0w1Check punksoxCheck J_9Show10QQ4 5tr0ngb0w1Muck67108 punksoxMuck376J J_9WinTwo Pairs, Queens and 5s£4.67 £4.67
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Your drawing to 2 outs
Couple of points to make here.
Firstly omaha is a high variance game naturally. At the very low levels people will call any raise from any position with virtually any 4 cards which increases the variance even more.When you add in the factor of no-limit over pot-limit then you increase the variance to its extreme. You can not remove all the variance from the game and it is best done by playing at a bit higher levels(but only if within BR permits) and always play pot limit which increases the skill aspect of the game.
Secondly. The hardest thing for any newcomer to omaha is the ability to fold big hands when they miss the flop especially on very draw heavy boards. Simple rules to follow are overpair to the board and hitting top pair are virtually worthless.
So despite the fact you were ahead in this spot and would have won you made for me the correct fold because there is absolutely no way to see yourself being ahead and even if you were then there were a lot of draws to avoid.