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I now it's a fix, FINALLY I HAVE PROOF
Is it all a fix, YES
Why, well I looked through my HH and I have found all these winnings hands, guess what - I was so lucky !!
I have put lots of bad beats on players this past month and frankly it must be fixed because I got so lucky and now I am up so much money.
Infact I would like to give back to the site and the other players this money because I can't go and buy this new car now because I feel so guilty with it being fixed in my favour so please leave your names here if you would like your money back and I'll send it to you.
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I posted a thread a couple of weeks ago about players who have dished out bad beats instead of recieving them.
Didn`t last long as everyone wants to moan about how they have been sucked out.
Good post when you can get past the
I`m with you tho.