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how did i play this river card saved me from stacking off
RyanRio115Small blind £0.10£0.10£21.79deano611Big blind £0.20£0.30£2.91 Your hole cardsQ9 JrvsFold frankyfrisRaise £0.60£0.90£13.25liamboi11Fold IDONKCALLUCall £0.60£1.50£18.41RyanRio115Fold deano611Fold Flop 79Q frankyfrisBet £0.75£2.25£12.50IDONKCALLURaise £2.40£4.65£16.01frankyfrisCall £1.65£6.30£10.85Turn 10 frankyfrisCheck IDONKCALLUBet £3.80£10.10£12.21frankyfrisCall £3.80£13.90£7.05River K frankyfrisCheck IDONKCALLUCheck frankyfrisShowJK IDONKCALLUMuckQ9 frankyfrisWinStraight to the King£13.20 £20.2
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nice check on the river , but can't see how you can bet when only a jack now beats you. Kind of think the other player missed out on a value bet on the river.
calling pre is pretty marginal 70BB deep
bet turn bigger