The 3 bet was only min here, what does he normally 3bet? If AK would we not expect a larger 3 bet? Could it be AA so we have set over set.... not a snap call here IMO but cant see how you can get away from it.
Depends on your history with the guy if any; he's playing the button fairly strong and it does look like AK/Q on the flop as I reckon if he's flush-drawing he would've played the flop stronger - I could be wrong on that as I am a noob but I like to try and figure the logic in other people's decisions. For me its an insta-call; if it is a flush then your still not that big a dog since you have ten outs to house up on the river.
hes 3-bet pre flop called the flop raised allin on the turn im puttin my money on he has qq or aa and panicked because the board has came 3 clubs and shipped it but it is totally opponent dependant imo.
so think he has you toatally crushed or makin a bluff here.
DEFO check raise, honestly I never used to do it but Dohhhh recommended it in one of my threads ages ago and it really does work SO well, so here he cbets around £1.20 and then you can raise to whatever you want lol but basically enough to stick him in.
As played you gotta donk bet bigger than half pot at least £1.30 if you bet but c/r is better imo.
DEFO check raise, honestly I never used to do it but Dohhhh recommended it in one of my threads ages ago and it really does work SO well, so here he cbets around £1.20 and then you can raise to whatever you want lol but basically enough to stick him in. As played you gotta donk bet bigger than half pot at least £1.30 if you bet but c/r is better imo. Turn gotta call not even 100bb deep. Overall though c/r makes it much easier. Posted by Dudeskin8
Funny that but on another hand I posted, the advice I got was don't c/r but bet out. I wish you people would make your minds up ) I have lead here expecting to be raised on that board
I would love to hear from GT/Doooh or anyone else via pm if you prefer, regarding the c/r versus lead debate. What situations are best for each and why ?
I am probably calling this. Interested to see what he had. Seen allot small 3bets with AA and also with hands like AQ more than I have with AK. So im going for the AQ or flush option cos I think he raises the flop with AA and 2 clubs on board at these stakes.
prob c/r flop, if you bet, bet bigger
bet turn bigger, snapcall now. Not ever folding a set 80BB deep in a 3bet pot
Pro's for c/r versus the cons of leading ?
I feel both look as strong as each other, but oppo will still find it hard to fold
I am thinking if I had a draw or Qx what would I do ? Lead, c/c or c/r - infact more importantly how would oppo react to the lead
hes 3-bet pre flop called the flop raised allin on the turn im puttin my money on he has qq or aa and panicked because the board has came 3 clubs and shipped it but it is totally opponent dependant imo.
so think he has you toatally crushed or makin a bluff here.
As played you gotta donk bet bigger than half pot at least £1.30 if you bet but c/r is better imo.
Turn gotta call not even 100bb deep.
Overall though c/r makes it much easier.
Funny that but on another hand I posted, the advice I got was don't c/r but bet out.
I wish you people would make your minds up )
I have lead here expecting to be raised on that board
I would love to hear from GT/Doooh or anyone else via pm if you prefer, regarding the c/r versus lead debate.
What situations are best for each and why ?
I'll post the result of the hand later
Interested to see what he had. Seen allot small 3bets with AA and also with hands like AQ more than I have with AK.
So im going for the AQ or flush option cos I think he raises the flop with AA and 2 clubs on board at these stakes.