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Playing cash games 100BBs deep how scared should you be of the flush on a monochrome board? Say you have AdQs out of possition against one player and the flop comes Qh9h4h. It is more profitable over time to just play as normal with top pair top kicker and bet out on the flop or play for pot control and check? Also should you be betting 3/4 pot to prevent the draw if they have one heart?
Just seems so unlikely that they have the flush and we don't want to give them the chance to represent the flush if we show weekness. Granted they will have the flush every now and again but most times they don't and betting also means that they might put us on the flush?
Just wondering how everyone else plays these situations?
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Also to say its rare to flop a flush is a bit naive imo , as stated above the more regular you see this flop then you have to consider it could hit an oppo more often than you may give credit to.
I would prob raise 3/4ish to make people pay when they are drawing but be very wary of a reraise.
It also depends on the level as at NL4 TPTK regardless of a monotone board is usually the nuts even 100bb deep
"Tone" refers to sound.
Monochrome largely refers to shades of grey mainly, you're obv. not old enough to remember, but our black and white tv's were called monochrome tv's.
Technically, I think monochrome refers to a picture made up of any one single shade of colour.
Probably something to do with the American element of poker in the George Bush "misunderestimation" sense.