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Hand History #443875124 (16:13 30/11/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepoooopSmall blind £0.15£0.15£44.90BigHawk89Big blind £0.30£0.45£29.70 Your hole cardsAA qwtf_GmanFold connatbarRaise £0.60£1.05£17.72shawsokRaise £1.80£2.85£69.25poooopFold BigHawk89Raise £5.78£8.63£23.92connatbarCall £5.48£14.11£12.24shawsokFold Flop 437 BigHawk89Bet £14.10£28.21£9.82connatbarAll-in £12.24£40.45£0.00BigHawk89Unmatched bet £1.86£38.59£11.68BigHawk89ShowAA connatbarShowQJ Turn 2 River 2 connatbarWinFlush to the Queen£36.79 £36.79
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