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anything i could of done different here my bet sizing was so i could get hes stack in on the river
Curt360x27Small blind £0.25£0.25£56.36cobawBig blind £0.50£0.75£20.11 Your hole cardsAA IDONKCALLURaise £1.50£2.25£283.02Levi101Fold got2fish23Fold grenfishFold Curt360x27Fold cobawCall £1.00£3.25£19.11Flop 5K3 cobawCheck IDONKCALLUBet £2.00£5.25£281.02cobawCall £2.00£7.25£17.11Turn 4 cobawCheck IDONKCALLUBet £5.00£12.25£276.02cobawAll-in £17.11£29.36£0.00IDONKCALLUAll-in £276.02£305.38£0.00IDONKCALLUUnmatched bet £263.91£41.47£263.91cobawShow56 IDONKCALLUShowAA River 7 cobawWinStraight to the 7£39.67 £39.67
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