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have i got the odds to go all in here on the turn i thought i had outs lol
xxHELENxxSmall blind £0.02£0.02£1.89maxallBig blind £0.04£0.06£3.10 Your hole cardsJA 123luckyFold Lambert180Raise £0.16£0.22£3.66IDONKCALLUCall £0.16£0.38£7.92xxHELENxxFold maxallCall £0.12£0.50£2.98Flop 8810 maxallCheck Lambert180Check IDONKCALLUBet £0.32£0.82£7.60maxallCall £0.32£1.14£2.66Lambert180Fold Turn 9 maxallCheck IDONKCALLUBet £0.68£1.82£6.92maxallRaise £1.93£3.75£0.73IDONKCALLUAll-in £6.92£10.67£0.00maxallAll-in £0.73£11.40£0.00IDONKCALLUUnmatched bet £4.94£6.46£4.94maxallShow88 IDONKCALLUShowJA River 4 maxallWinFour 8s£5.97 £5.97
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you can only really barrel the turn if an overcard to the ten comes as he called you with something on the flop.(Unless you think he is at it) Its not fishy as poster above states your aggression is good just wrong timing as played fold to raise if he had a bigger stack behind it may justify the all in
Call pre is fine with AJs, if you three bet here then you are either going to take down the pot or get four bet. Few hands can call a 3-bet out of possition. Anything strong would probably 4-bet and anything weaker is a bad play. You might get a call from a small pair but they are set mining so after the flop you either take the pot down with a c-bet or go broke to a set.
Don't like the lead out on the flop here tbh. You have two over cards to the flop on a paired board, so even if a ace or jack comes you can't rule out eights. Just check behind and keep the pot small. If you hit a jack or an ace on the turn you can then bet. Missing one street of value is fine with these sorts of flops.
The turn gives you 15 outs for the straight/flush and still the aces and jacks if you put your opponent on the ten so you have in the region of 30-40% equity to win the hand. You are ok to bet out here since you want to get some money in the pot if you make your flush or straight. But once there is a raise then you have to fold.
The reason: a raise on the turn is not going to be from a ten. Most likely they have at least an eight for trips. Maybe even a full house. You have asked a question on the turn and recieved a very definate answer "pay me more".
Your shove is poor because you have no fold equity at all. You should have noticed that your opponent only has 73p back at this point to win a £4.50 pot. He has to call now, even if he was bluffing with AK (which would win btw) and even against a 10 you have 21 outs or 42% so you are not favorite.
Fold the turn and save yourself half your stack