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Three and Four Betting...
I think I've come to terms with the fundamentals of poker, such as starting hands, position, table selection, bet sizing etc. so am thinking maybe its time to start adding to my knowledge.
I might be wrong and you might think I should be concentrating on something else first, but I've noticed lately that I almost never re-raise! Of course I'm not being totally dumb and if I get Aces or Kings I'm beeming ear to ear and banging away on the raise button trying to get it all-in pre, but apart from raising limpers pre, its bet, call, or fold.
So, in what situations should I be looking to get more aggressive??
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Oh and yeah sorry about that slight omission.....I only play cash 4nl, so far.
Cheers dude,
But as lambert said with your AA/KK/QQ/AK, whatever happens you need to play this very strongly pre-flop and never try and slow-play these hands at NL4, cos it will come back to haunt you so often
why would you only ever 3bet your premium hands? might as well type it in the chat box
Why would you wanna 3bet with marginal hands when you're gonna get called by junk and they hit with their junk and you've put more money that necessary into a pot you're gonna lose. When people call with anything, it takes away your ability to vluff them and leaves you mostly relying on having the best hand, which is why you play strong starting hands.
You can't bluff at this level so you're 3 betting purely for value with big hands where you expect to win the hand so you're just increasing the pot you win. You 3bet with AA/KK/QQ/JJ/AK because with these hands you expect to win quite often against any 2 cards... you don't do it with KJ or Q9 because quite often you can lose to any 2 cards with these.
just because you dont have AA/KK/QQ/JJ/AK doesnt mean youre not 3 betting for value and doesnt mean youre bluffing.

i seem to remember trying to point this out before and getting the same stubborn response.
guess im wrong completely
Just my thoughts. Play them like they are a pair or eights.
Against players who call 3bets too wide you can widen your value 3betting range
Against players who have a fold button, you prob should have a polarised range, ie a narrow value range balanced with some 3bet bluffs
Obv ranges will be dynamic, if you 3bet a lot, usually people will adjust by continuing wider. At 4NL I wouldnt think 3bet bluffing is going to work much, but you prob can 3bet for value pretty wide especially ip (huume I dont think you are wrong:)). How they play postflop will playa part in these decisions
3bet bluffs seem uncommon at 4NL etc, so I'd only 4bet hands you are willing to stack off with. The same kind of idea applies though, if you are 4b/f be very careful with sizing
You can only 3 bet bluff good oppo, bad will call - so really it's not a good idea to 3 bet bluff at NL4 unless your playing a REG )
Depends if you think that REG is opneing too many pots, situation/dynamic dependant
I 3 bet bluffed GT once, it was a nie feeling