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Sat at an NL4 table, and it has taken me about 2 hours to build my stack up from £4 to just over £21. I've been sat out for the last 10 minutes because there's only been 1 other player at the table. I don't know whether this is because my stack size is putting them off? Basically wondering at which point it becomes clear to people that I'm not a bad player and they don't join because they think they won't be able to beat me, or whether they'll just continue to join anyway?
Should I just be patient and wait for more people, or leave the table and join another one?
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One of the worst things I often see is players staying on a table where it's clear all the value has gone, most likely into ther stacks, but they stay and simply pass blinds with the other nits who can't bare to start again at £4.