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Dym early stages should i call this turn bet
irons_fanSmall blind 25.0025.00815.00IDONKCALLUBig blind 50.0075.001755.00 Your hole cardsKQ crook1Fold masterkevFold rustybuletRaise 100.00175.001635.00wayne1958Call 100.00275.001920.00irons_fanFold IDONKCALLUCall 50.00325.001705.00Flop K59 IDONKCALLUCheck rustybuletBet 100.00425.001535.00wayne1958Call 100.00525.001820.00IDONKCALLUCall 100.00625.001605.00Turn 8 IDONKCALLUCheck rustybuletBet 312.50937.501222.50wayne1958Fold IDONKCALLUFold rustybuletMuck rustybuletWin 625.00 1847.50rustybuletReturn 312.500.002160.0
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I think you've played it too passively so you're underrepping your hand and it's hard to know where you are and this is why I hate the spot, I think you can probably just fold here and wait for a better spot
because, these days im incapable of folding
With these sort of hands I like to be the preflop raiser and IP this lets me be able to cbet as opposed to just hoping I hit but also control pot if I want to aswell.
Yes folding pre is uber tight but unless you're happy to get it in/call and call river here you shouldn't be playing the hand as this board is great for you.
DYM all about survival, guy sat with 815 and two who are a bit above and below your stack so not cut adrift by ant means.
The min raise pre-flop is one of those things that can be a worry or it can be meaningless. Then he leads out into 2 opponents, on the weak side. I'm happy to flat this to keep the pot as small as possible. Then he 1/2 pots the turn, still vs 2 opponents. This worries me a bit. When people increase the tempo on the turn I think it often means they like their hand very much and they've just realised they need to get some money in the pot, as their weakish bet on the flop didn't induce the desired action. I would say this was particularly the case when they do it into 2 opponents, having lost none on the flop. Of course, a KJ, K10 could easily like his hand on the turn, still, making it tricky.
This hand more than anything highlights the dangers of playing hands like these, particularly in raised pots. FWIW, I don't mind the call pre-flop too much, it's a great price for a decent hand. I'm definately looking for spades or 2 pairs, though. As it is, I probably call the turn and call anything upto half pot on the river, calling myself a massive donk all of the (many) times I'm behind here.
Personally here, im definately calling the turn.
I fold to almost any river bet tho bigger than 400 tho. (unless river is k or q of course), Hes raised pre, so its likely hes gonig to c/bet any flop, and could easily just be contiuing again on the turn, since none of you showed any strength. He could easy have 77 1010 jj or aven a q, a j here,
If he does bet the river after a blank however, hes probably has got it ! so easy fold, Id hes 3 barelling with nothing, fair play to him.