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Deepstack mtt is this a call on the flop and turn could never put villain on ak
_JIMMY_Small blind 20.0020.005152.50pool06Big blind 40.0060.004810.00 Your hole cardsAQ reef99Fold craig57Call 40.00100.002860.62glengloveCall 40.00140.005824.38IDONKCALLURaise 240.00380.005490.00_JIMMY_Call 220.00600.004932.50pool06Fold craig57Fold glengloveFold Flop 10A2 _JIMMY_Check IDONKCALLUBet 300.00900.005190.00_JIMMY_Raise 800.001700.004132.50IDONKCALLUCall 500.002200.004690.00Turn 4 _JIMMY_All-in 4132.506332.500.00IDONKCALLUCall 4132.5010465.00557.50_JIMMY_ShowKA IDONKCALLUShowAQ River 8 _JIMMY_WinPair of Aces10465.00 10465.0
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I bet about 3/4 pot on the flop but obviously would be alot smaller cos I think the raise pre should be about 120 not 240.
Can definitely fold the turn, it's a deepstack, you got plenty of time to get your money in when you KNOW you're good. What hands can he realistically show up here when he's willing to call a 7x raise pre
I think this whole problem arose from a massive preflop raise which made the whole pot massive which caused you to lose nearly your entire stack.
flop = fine
fold turn
Definite fold on the turn.
I think I probably reluctantly fold to the all in on the turn in that I can realisticly put him on A10, AK or maybe even pocket 10's here.
Later on in the tournament I probably make the call but with blinds this low you have plenty of time to get you money in when you know you're ahead.
The range of hands you beat that he makes this shove with are fairly limited in reality - AJ maybe, KQ, KJ, QJ spades maybe, at a stetch 89 or 78 spades.
Yeah its hard put him on AK, but he can easily have TT,44, AT and less often AA,AK. He also has hands you beat sometimes.