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DYM - AK in SB 3bet, Call or Fold?
Is that read better than jack... I'm not sure lol.
Sickening as it is, I think you can fold here. It's really early, that's a big raise, he's on the button, you don't wanna just flat OOP hoping to flop TPTK but if you reraise I think you're gonna find yourself in a horrible spot early on with at least 20%+ of your chips committed pre and no hand.
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u can fold if u want, why not include that option?
I dont mind a flat call readless, but i think i prefer a fold tbh, depends how drunk i am...
I only 3 bet if i am prepared to stack off (cant possibly do this without proper reads tho)
If i 3bet its with the intention of stacking off and getting an early double up. (but ob. im only doing this against a certain kind of opponant)
3 bet get it in.
if you double up here you should always always cash so if it is a flip it surely has value for money. also you will prob take pot down most of the time and if opponent thinks like you do then surely you are folding all the way up to 10 10 with a 3bet as they wont want to get it in early potentially flipping.
math wise that sounds good to me but i dont play dyms at all
sidenote - it also sounds like being aggro in the early stages would exploit the current norm of being very tight in the early stages of a dym. you could just steal money for fun by the sounds of things especially if people are considering folding AK to the first raise.
really you may aswel 3 bet fold air tbh
if your 3 betting AK OOP here, your only looking for a flat from Ax, Kx and a A or K high flop
Playing a 3 bet OOP with no pair suxors
3 betting AK OOP to get it in can never be wrong, if we are just 3 bet folding then we may aswel 3 bet fold a wider range
For DYM this early I find this comment odd from JC tbh
I can undersand 3 betting here if you beleive worse will flat, but for a DYM I would prefer to be a bit cautious