Exactly as GT says, why are you 3betting pre? And if you're gonna be that aggressive, keep up the aggressive and make proper bets on the flop and turn, as played I'd be betting at least 300 on flop and 600 on turn but yeah get it in and be gutted when you see he turned the straight
Pretty much how I would of played it in a tourney. Maybe bet sizing post-flop could of been a little bigger, but if the guy is going to call 3-bets oop with 98off, and then call to hit his miracle card on the turn, then ur just incredibly unlucky.
dont know y u 3 bet at the start of mtt and if u three bet make it bigger ike 280 to 320 after that it is just cold deck and ul but if u 3 bet bigger pre he might have folded coz u give him odds to call pre
I should have known better playing against players called "yourmine" and "putitin" lol
This was only 10 mins into a £10 BH.
Back to £1 DYM i guess!!!
I like the way u played this. Unlucky
bet flop and turn a little bigger. fistpump get it in
Pretty much how I would of played it in a tourney. Maybe bet sizing post-flop could of been a little bigger, but if the guy is going to call 3-bets oop with 98off, and then call to hit his miracle card on the turn, then ur just incredibly unlucky.
I actually like the 3-bet pre. ul mate
after that it is just cold deck and ul but if u 3 bet bigger pre he might have folded coz u give him odds to call pre