Ok, so here it is my very first night as a guest on the show! i feel i got to write this as i don't feel i did myself justice, as well as letting a few people down who really did support me in tonight's tournament. So this is the explanation, i am not looking for tea & sympathy as i just don't do it myself. Things are what they are and happen for a reason.
So the primo tourney, well i was in for the first hour, took a smallish pot down to get up to 2.6k. From there on in i did not see any hole cards worth playing. It was not until 15 mins into the tourney after the break i get a premium hand. All hands till this were very marginal hands at the very best and listening to Tikay's advice to rich " THE CHAMP " orford, don't play them. So i didn't and waited to pick my spot, I get AK so i am thinking right just limp and hope someone comes over the top of me. The flop comes down J 2 4, so the texture of the flop is fairly good and i get called 300 and i shove as i feel this is the correct thing to do. Unbeknown to me the player is sat with a 2 4

and of course calls just like i would and takes the pot and me out rather embarrased. Me personally i would never play a 2 4 i would throw them in a heartbeat. So the good guys at sky say you can go into the bounty hunter and good luck!!
So still a bit miffed by tourney knockout to a 2 4 lol i think ok no worries let's have it!! so i am thinking i am going to need to be a bit more aggressive than before. different structure etc etc adapt the game to suit. I am sitting with a j 8 suited and 2 k's come down on the flop and there is only me and the other player involved he checks very quickly, i take this as a tell and think right i am going to represent this, shove all in and the guy thinks then calls and he is sitting with K 10 so he has hit a set and the river card comes down and he hits quads lol.
Personally think i was on tilt a bit from the primo tourney to be fair and took the aggressive play to a whole new level that has not been invented yet!!

and paid the price and got got caught seriously with my " hand in the cookie jar " lesson learnt tonight is ... just ask for a biscuit and don't try to steal it!!
So personally i would like to apologize to sky for throwing £40 down the toilet

but very grateful for the opportunity and the experience, it was amazing!! One i would like to repeat in the future! Sorry to the guys that gave me so much support, you were fantastic!! the primo was an experience, i won't be able to do for a while as my bankroll won't allow it. So 50p/£1 DYM it is from now on as i was out of my league tonight.
On the flipside though, i had a wicked time! and learnt online is mega different to live play. At least i know where my true level of poker is and need to get my head in the books more! but i got 5 year plan going and i am only in month 1! so still a long way to go!!
P.S. i hope you all heard me give you a big shout out on the show as well, as you are all truly amazing people and i have made many friends already and feel very much at ease in your company even at my level. So big up the forum members!!!
"Everyday's a good day" and "All is good in the hood"
Also, unless theres a really SPECIFIC aggro table dynamic, ie payers opening alot, but not 3b alot, it's probably not a good idea to go for the limp rr with AK.
Keep up with plan and I truly believe that you will be one of the players going to Vegas with the Sky crew in a year or two.
Imo, you are being a little hard on yourself, if you look at the open over time, you will see that a lot of the home players dont even make the first break, (I am sure Sky are fully aware of the varience in the open and know you could just as easiy be knocked out first hand as go on to cash) I think, even if you had pushed with the AK, there is no guarantee you wouldnt have been called tbh some players will gamble.
Good luck
Ok what about this senario?, you become a better player, call when you should, raise in pos etc, etc and think, I wouldnt mind another go at being the home player (yes they do allow it), you got someone on your table being aggro, you waited for the hand and wake up in pos with AA, you go all in and aggro calls A4 off, varience intervenes and flop goes 2 5 3 rainbow, turn blank, river blank?, the point im trying to make is, even if you were the best player in the world and varience hits there is nothing you can do about it