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At the time, I thought this hand was fairly standard and just UL to be against AK, but looking back through my hand history and seeing where I made mistakes, wondering now whether I should've folded?
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
EvilPingu | Small blind | | 800.00 | 800.00 | 62318.51 |
Boonicon | Big blind | | 1600.00 | 2400.00 | 96102.75 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
matrixman | Fold | | | | |
scotty77 | Raise | | 3200.00 | 5600.00 | 27335.01 |
TommyD | Fold | | | | |
EvilPingu | Raise | | 7200.00 | 12800.00 | 55118.51 |
Boonicon | Fold | | | | |
scotty77 | All-in | | 27335.01 | 40135.01 | 0.00 |
EvilPingu | Call | | 22535.01 | 62670.02 | 32583.50 |
EvilPingu | Show | | | | |
scotty77 | Show | | | | |
Flop |
| | | | | |
Turn |
| | | | | |
River |
| | | | | |
scotty77 | Win | Straight to the Ace | 62670.02 | | 62670.02 |
Also, the hand before that one, is this a good check behind on the river or am I losing value most of the time by not value betting? Think I should've probably 3-bet pre.
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
TommyD | Small blind | | 800.00 | 800.00 | 81110.00 |
EvilPingu | Big blind | | 1600.00 | 2400.00 | 78718.51 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
Boonicon | Fold | | | | |
matrixman | Fold | | | | |
scotty77 | Fold | | | | |
TommyD | Raise | | 3200.00 | 5600.00 | 77910.00 |
EvilPingu | Call | | 2400.00 | 8000.00 | 76318.51 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
TommyD | Check | | | | |
EvilPingu | Bet | <td style="padding-top:7px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:7px;padding-left:5px;color:#666666;vertical-align:middle;font-family:verdana;text-align:left;border-image:initial;font-size:0.9em;border-width:1px;border-color:#bad
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2 You can 3bet pre, but I like flatting here. It obv depends on dynamic. Checking river looks good to me, you are often ahead but Tommy rarely has a hand you beat that will call after checking 3 streets to you as pre flop raise
I know scotty is aggro but AJ just doesn't play well versus the 4 bet shove range
2. fine, lucky Tommy - river is good
Hand 1 - Versus Ryan I'm either flatting or 3bet/folding. I don't think I was at the table for too long before this hand and I don't know how long you were both playing together in this MTT. Basically I'm not sure what mood Ryan was in at this point. Play an awkward hand like AJo OOP against a good player is probably not great unless you're feeling confident/playing well. I probably prefer the 3bet/fold. As soon as he shoves you have to fold unless you have been 3betting him a lot previously. Unless he has very good reason to believe you are 3betting light AJo plays abysmal against his 4bet shoving range.
Hand 2 - Oh chuckles to my luckbox skills. 3betting pre for you is ok but so is flatting in position, providing you have a plan for the many times you will miss. I recently moved to this seat IIRC and while I was honest in wishing you luck in this MTT on your diary thread I'm still going to test you out and see what happens. The problem with 3betting pre is you are either looking to take it down there and then with a decent in position hand or you're going to be faced with a tough decision if I 4bet. I am unlikely (but not impossible as I have my spewy moments) to call a decent 3bet OOP. The other two results will happen more.
Postflop absolutely fine. River is the nut worst card for you how I've played the hand and you'll not get any value out of any hand you're beating. Reviewing the hand for myself I hate not clicking back the turn. I was trapping to raise the river when I should have realised there were about a million bad river cards for me to do this on. FWIW after my blatant nicking pre I've suddenly flopped showdown with little betting value (hence the check call on flop). I wanted to keep this pot small and let you fire at it with airballs. Turn is my gin, which as discussed above I chose not drink and the river is check check a bunch of times.
@ Tommy - When looking back through hand history, I was surprised you didn't check/raise the turn as well tbh. Thought you were drawing, as you said the river card killed the action.
Never really all over calling off 4bets with AJ but if Ryan's 4bet shoving range has just merged with his opening range due to you activity then it might be a profitable call. The question you would have to ask yourself is if Ryan (or whoever the villain is in a set situation) is likely to shove light enough times because of your 3betting against them waiting for a premium hand to pick you off. That and what their open range is of course.