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did i extract the most possible value out of this?
hello everyone! flopped the nuts in this hand and not sure if i extracted the max out of this with the way i played it? if i didn't what would you have done?
Hand History #461420425 (20:01 09/01/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancec4rmel1962Sit out REA27Small blind £0.25£0.25£87.83richteaBig blind £0.50£0.75£49.50GLifUloseSit out Your hole cardsJA kenniggtsRaise £1.50£2.25£61.81BigM19Call £1.50£3.75£70.01REA27Fold richteaFold Flop QK10 kenniggtsBet £1.50£5.25£60.31BigM19Raise £4.00£9.25£66.01kenniggtsCall £2.50£11.75£57.81Turn 8 kenniggtsCheck BigM19Bet £6.00£17.75£60.01kenniggtsCall £6.00£23.75£51.81River 5 kenniggtsCheck BigM19Bet £14.50£38.25£45.51kenniggtsFold BigM19Muck BigM19Win £22.56 £68.07BigM19Return £14.50£1.19£82.57
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