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You've had lots of practice HMS Victory with only 2 votes won . " The Warning Shot across my bows, hit the target and the Titanic ship is sunk. "? I lost my ship and crew you lost your credibility.
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Am I Bovvered. !! sob sob
Are you on medication? Just wondering like.
i would vote but what for ???
i think the good ship lollipop is more in your line.
swim with dolphins ?? but would they swim with you ??
the medication is waring off, get back on it.
and having been round the horn ?? lol logdon more round the bend
It was Paul Daniels, now you see it, now you don't.? If you didn't see it, then you weren't up early enough or as usual not paying attention. How can you Vlad the MAD call me ............ sad.? lol :-) The vote is ; Should HMS Astute Torpedo my Thread while I'm not looking. Simps even 4 u
now you see it now you dont:):)::) to sky and beyond or just a little further,out in space me,well i think i am with steve zodiac xxxx mad as the hatter me alice in wonderland and all that xxx
Moral of this story; Hugs are not enough. ?
Its the bogey man
I agree with forum banning and table chat banning for whatever reason sky deem fit, Why wouldnt I??? I would be a complete fool to dissagree even if there is zero reason given as only a fool would agree to contract and then argue against that witch he already agreed.
LOl Its like asking a piece of paper to play fair.
If you were really a captain you would understand the law of the sea.
The Weather has been bad lately and has blown the garbage out of the bin and back in the house. Put a lid on it.?
S.O.S. save our soles
Shine a torch on it!!! lofnl
Lucky me.. eh????
Hey paige..say hi to yur hubby for me... gd man
What a sad little person you are. Sky are welcome to you, you are suited and booted. Birds of a feather. !
The Ghost from Christmas past.? Your back from your two weeks Vacation courtesy of Sky punishment squad. "So sorry for not Apologizing to you for your despicable conduct." "How silly of me to mistake your down loads as anything other than with Honourable intention." "Please hold your breath while waiting for my Apology." ! :-)) lol Oops silly me again, did I miss out the don't.!
So the little boy has his chat back.
sky phoned him asking for him to come back does ANYONE believe that ???
he stays in the philppinies,
he lives on an island on the west coast ,
your just a troll son, looking for something or someone that will interact with you.
if you told mey the time i wouldnt believe you.
as far as saying sorry i think you should say sorry to the whole community on sky.
one bit of advice i can give you, save up all your money, and buy yourself a personallity.
as you have just got your chat back keep a low profile and just get on playing poker
My goodness, My first post was an informative post to educate on contractual law and had no abuse in it what so ever, Geez try to help and inform people an see what happens!!!
My second post was also not abusive and I dont see what your problem is, The only abuse so far on this thread is from logdon and bluesumink.
Lozgo was also mildly abusive to me and iv never even noticed his/hers existence before now so in the interests of fairness I would like to give lozgo the oppertunity to discuss what he/she means in a reasonable manner as it might well be the case that he/she is mistaken.
I can assure you that if I msde a derogatory comment on someone I would never just run with the crowd and take a swipe, I would have honor and stand alone by my own words.
Hugs and kisses to all.... XXX