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how are these guys winning money playing like this
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceandybethSmall blind £0.20£0.20£19.40berisio86Big blind £0.20£0.40£6.08 Your hole cardsJJ stanley644Fold Mallard24Raise £0.60£1.00£50.00TheCats86Fold robyoungRaise £2.40£3.40£10.17andybethFold berisio86Fold Mallard24Call £1.80£5.20£48.20Flop 599 Mallard24Check robyoungBet £3.90£9.10£6.27Mallard24Raise £16.90£26.00£31.30robyoungAll-in £6.27£32.27£0.00Mallard24Unmatched bet £6.73£25.54£38.03Mallard24Show49 robyoungShowJJ Turn 7 River K Mallard24WinThree 9s£24.26 £62.29
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any 2 cards.
that,s why i stopped playing cash,
it,s absolute garbage.
one nite playing n/l 5/10p
i went all-in pre flop 7 times
with qqx3
and lost every hand
pluss £70+
now playing dym
and loving it
had kk the other day
called an all-in,obviously had aa
lost £3.30
won the session though £22.50 i think from memory
good luck buddy
you,ll need it!
He must have thought you were bluffing on the button, 4x raise!!
Surely 9 4 soooted is good here!!!
It just doesn`t surprise me anymore,
UL and run better.
must be the any 2 suited game
think we often just assume ppl are idiots when theres sometimes alot more going on.
its clearly bad in isolation, but maybe the player was. I'm pretty aggro in cash, to set up my action. ill play 46 same as AK if mood strikes. range balancing etc.