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Old question that I feel stills mains unanwered. I see all these types of comments: It's too fishy, the don't respect my raises, they call you with anything etc etc about NL4.
Do you think NL4 is beatable? Can someone make money by playing NL4? Of course multitabling is a MUST but still is it profitable to play at such micro stakes? Can you get 200quid(the amount is just an example) profit at the end of the month only by playing NL4?
What is your opinion?
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Yes it's easily beatable.
as you have said multi tabling is the key and also volume.
last year i never played ttoo many weeks but when i did i put the hours in. in total i think i played about 8 weeks but these were 10 hour days 7 days a week.
last month i won just over £250 at this level by playing about 10hours a day for 2 weeks before xmas. i play 6 tables as thats all my computer can handle without too muh lag.
before that last may i won just over £400 in 3 weeks playing the same amount.(never played june-dec coz i was working). April i won £150 over 2 weeks.
I also gained reasonable C4P for the stakes, hitting 3k in Dec n 4k in may for £50 n £75.
ive only played this month since receiving my C4P payment but ive already doubled it n sitting on 2000 points. it would be more money but i had a horrid 4 days n got out of it with winning 12 buyins yesterday.
im no great shake at this poker thing but if i can post those results anyone can beat the game,
The amount you win will depend on volume
Listen to TINTIN, probably the number one grinder at this level
when i decided to concentrate and put some hours in over 3/4 months I managed on average £50/month profit on 2 tables mostly but sometimes 3. sessions were only about 4 hours 4/5 days a week.
even then managed over 1000 points so got a bonus also.
you've got to put the volume in and expect some wide swings/variance so it can be frustrating
good luck
I saw him on one of my tables the other day so I decided to leave, lol. My feelings were it was better to go to the Chinese and get some chips cheese and curry sauce rather than hand him my £4 :-) . The food was good by the way.
Forget the chips, curry sauce and cheese (still not convinced about the cheese with curry part) and think of that lovely salad.
mmmm lettuce, tomatoes, rocket, cucumber.......
It's not working is it ?