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opinions on playing suited cards in full ring mtt`s
i very rarely play suited cards k6 k5 k4 q6 q5 q4 EG. in mtt`s i think its a losing play but people so often call raises or make up in blinds with these hands & how often they win not with flushes but binking 2 pair etc.suited connectors are a different animal but even making up in blinds i dont like having to play out of position question should i open my range & start calling with these hands k6 q5 etc. or carry on folding them i as i have been
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I'm not comfortable with this type of aggressive poker so generally go tight in the first few levels when I have a deep stack. However there have been many occasions where I have lasted till just before the bubble by playing conservative poker and kinda wish I'd gone out to a cooler on the first hand 3.5 hrs ago