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did this guy misread hes hand or something
he flat called with the nuts...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetatoheadSmall blind £0.20£0.20£42.40Beanzer91Big blind £0.40£0.60£9.60 Your hole cards6J parker89Fold buddymateCall £0.40£1.00£38.58robyoungFold stavladFold tatoheadCall £0.20£1.20£42.20Beanzer91Check Flop J410 tatoheadCheck Beanzer91Check buddymateBet £0.40£1.60£38.18tatoheadCall £0.40£2.00£41.80Beanzer91Call £0.40£2.40£9.20Turn 9 tatoheadCheck Beanzer91Check buddymateBet £2.40£4.80£35.78tatoheadCall £2.40£7.20£39.40Beanzer91Call £2.40£9.60£6.80River 6 tatoheadBet £2.40£12.00£37.00Beanzer91Call £2.40£14.40£4.40buddymateCall £2.40£16.80£33.38tatoheadShow78 Beanzer91Muck109 buddymateShowQK buddymateWinStraight to the King£15.96 £49.34
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Any argument for flatting to induce action behind ? lol Only thing I can possibily think of.
Must be the guilt then