1. Looks fine to me, if he can play 33 like that he plays tons of other stuff you dominate, AQ/AJ/KJ etc.
2. After he min3bets you pre you either have to 4bet/call like here or fold, you are deeper almost 100bbs effective so not sure if getting it all in with AK is right, the other guy has quite a bit so could be good hence he won't 3bet with junk but likewise could be a nutter who will raise with ATC, as long as you don't call OOP it's ok.
EDIT : You've removed 2nd hand, please post it again as much more interesting to debate.
Thanks for the initial input guys will try and post another hand for discussion still struggling to get to grips with the hand posting thingy!! Had no notes on players in hands posted, Im pretty new to the game and unsure weather committing my entire stack Pre-Flop is good play?? If villain has pocket pairs surely im coin flipping at best?? Also is my bet sizing ok?
Thanks for the initial input guys will try and post another hand for discussion still struggling to get to grips with the hand posting thingy!! Had no notes on players in hands posted, Im pretty new to the game and unsure weather committing my entire stack Pre-Flop is good play?? If villain has pocket pairs surely im coin flipping at best?? Also is my bet sizing ok?? Posted by WINKY911