Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Please listen to the players sky!
There has been a massive and unprecedented outcry on the forum and in the chat boxes, and yet sky don't even seem to be thinking about introducing a timed speed turbo bounty hunter rebuy, come on sky!-- sort it out!
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You forgot to add 100% rake please 200% on re-buy's ;-)
They NEVER listen to us.
...... or at least a modification to the pre-select-action-button, so we can go all in when we register?
Can we have more five minute breaks, and five away players to each table. ty Hugs xx
What has Orford ever done for us.?
I see from Dylan in the Bulkroll challenge he Smokes. Have you given up, or are you back puffing again. So many Players on here Smoke, even Barry and Sporny ! Its not good for you, and the dangers in later life are horrendous. If you can go one Day without smoking then you can go two three and so on. Visit the Chest Clinic and see the effects Smoking has on patients Lungs, its a wake up call you should not ignore. When you've cracked it you to will become a Crusader to the cause.?
I know the loss your lovely pet dog was devastating for you so imagine how your Hubby would feel to lose you to a smoking related illness.
If you can't stop completely, then please cut down. You can get help by picking up a free stop-smoking kit from your local chemist shop.
Its not fashionable to smoke anymore especially now that even passive smoke has been proven to cause cancer in non smokers.
If your Hubby smokes as well, then you both need to stop together, or you will need to make him step outside of the house much like Companies do to their employee's.
I can only advise you, not make you stop but I have lost dear friends who smoked and would not stop. This makes me very angry.
Years ago we were encouraged to smoke and the cigarette companies would roll out scientists to say it was OK Now we know better. Please give it another try. Hugs Annie xxx