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I've never stepped up that high but I always find it easier stepping up gradually at my levels.
So I will always just open one or two tables at the next limit up rather than going from one to another in one step.
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The figures show that it has been successful and I am looking to move up.
Logically next its 20/40 and on to 25/50, but certainly at the latter there are a few more known names about.
How big a step is it ?
What adjustments do I need to make to my game ?
How important is table selection ?
Should I start by just playing one or two higher level tables mixed in with lower levels ?
Looking at the big pots I have won, many of them to be honest have been down to poor play by my opponents rather than my own brilliant play !
Will I still be able to gratefully receive these donations at higher levels ?
Thoughts please, guys.
every time I've moved up/taken shots in the past I've just self - imploded
I am far from amazing at cash but am a profitable player, but when I played NL100 for the first time I managed to keep convincing myself that everyone was bluffing me
I have actually climbed up the ladder once before.
In October 2007 I went out to Germany to work there for 3 months. I withdrew my bankroll and left my laptop at home, as I was living on a boat with no internet.
But I missed my poker and found an internet cafe in Koblenz where I could play. But I did not have time to play my normal tournaments, so I deposited £50 and decided to try cash. I think I started at one 20nl table, and could do no wrong. Just playing the odd hour here and there I had £400 within a few days, and knowing nothing about BRM was up to £1NL. I hit my peak at the end of the second week with about £1300, then lost the lot in an hour playing £4NL. I didnt have a clue what I was doing.
Think I would like to take it a bit steadier this time !