Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
belated thanks to skyrich
big thankyou skyrich ,for putting me in the forum deepstack on tuesdaynight. It was the first time ive played in one of these ,and was really nice having that exra time with the blinds not going up so quick,even had the honor of tikay being on my table ,if only for a shortwhile .also i would like to mention grimstar30 who while at my table took two bad beats taking him down to just 270 chips this was taken in good humur ,only saying the fightback starts now. whitch it did with him finishing i think in 4th this is alesson for us all i think.
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hi everyone thanks for the welcome. was good having the time to play some proper poker ,with good players i did manage to cash in 7th which i was well pleased with for my first attempt .be interested to know how many of the other freerollers cashed .perhaps subconsciously you play better knowing your not losing money if you lose .hope to play again sometime when ive got the time cos dont they go on .
I was also on a freeroll and cashed in 2nd place.
The Orfordable D/S is a similar structure to the forum D/S and is only £3.30 to enter.
Well worth a go if you enjoy the forum D/S.