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PLEASE READ: Area 51 and the new Community Guidelines

edited May 2012 in Area 51
Hi all,

The Sky Poker team have revised the Community Guidelines and these have been reposted around the site. One part has to be brought to Area 51's attention, as we know it's something of common occurrence at the moment.

"* Comments that can be construed to question Sky Poker's integrity, game fairness, security or random number generation."

Discussion on a constructive angle to these are fine, but frankly calling Sky Poker's RNG fixed or worse can no longer be condoned on the forums. As many of you already know, we're owned by BSkyB and are independently audited and regulated. We believe this is strong enough evidence of our commitment to fair play and so we hope you respect our decision on this issue.

Thanks and good luck at the tables.


  • Options
    edited May 2012
    Area 51,

    Please remember that the above rules apply to this part of the forum just as much as any others and anyone who continues to do so - or insults other players along the way - will have their posting privileges removed.

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