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and History #475979717 (23:17 08/02/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceLEE001Small blind £0.10£0.10£50.65DN34689Big blind £0.20£0.30£19.30 Your hole cardsAJ ICEBRAMFold CHAMP999Call £0.20£0.50£10.98Buzz444Fold NeillerFold CharlieGFold kosiarzRaise £1.00£1.50£7.17smarrCall £1.00£2.50£17.59LEE001Fold DN34689Fold CHAMP999Raise £1.80£4.30£9.18kosiarzCall £1.00£5.30£6.17smarrCall £1.00£6.30£16.59Flop AQJ CHAMP999Check kosiarzCheck smarrBet £3.15£9.45£13.44CHAMP999All-in £9.18£18.63£0.00kosiarzAll-in £6.17£24.80£0.00
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You can save yourself some money by 3-betting the hand pre-flop. You'd end up being forced to fold, but you would save money in the hand, I think. I'd be astonished if you weren't drawing dead here or at least in bad shape against QQ. KT could even be in the other guys hand.
Hand History #475979717 (23:16 08/02/2012)
i thought his call pre flop was bad??? didnt realise it was my play that was bad. thanks.
on flop never fold
Are we 3betting as a bluff so? Against shorties, one who has raised 5x?
If we cant 3bet for value I'd prefer call and have more equity against a less well defined range
Am never b/fing flop given stack/pot.
Much prefer crai on flop when opting to get it in when lead calling.