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Hi, i think im a competent player and may be capable to beat higher stakes than NL4, but would like to know what everyone recommends i build roll up to, until i move to the next level. Would you advice reaching 25 levels for the next level before moving up? I thought the following, feel free to comment or give feedback:
NL4 - £100
NL5 - £150 (below £125 move down)
NL8 - £200 (below £160 move down)
NL10 - £250 (below £200 move down)
NL20 - £500 (below £400 move down)
NL30 - £750 (below £600 move down)
NL40 - £1,000 (below £800 move down)
NL50 - £1,250 (below £1,000 move down)
NL100 - £2,500 (below £2,000 move down)
At what point should i be increasing the amount of buy-ins required to move up?
Is my moving up a level scheme of allowing 5 buy-ins okay?
If its at all possible could you copy and paste what your 'moving up the stakes chart' would look like.
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plus downswings can be />10bi's so I think as you move up you will need more bi's > NL10
30-40 bi is more sensible
being over rolled is better imo
but if you on a heater and playing well, smash the granny out of the next level
but I think you will find that you will hit a brick wall at some point, thinking your going to smash all levels with 20 bi is very optismtic - even if your are good enough - the downswings will hurt
Really would be a recipe for disaster.
I wouldnt be in the greatest hurry to move up. Work up a healthy roll @ a level that you dont beat, but you crush.
Build roll, build confidence and equally comprehensive notes.
I'd recommend minimum of 30 buy ins to multi table 20nl, 40 at 30nl, 50 for 40nl and 80 for any level above that.
Bankroll cushion should get progressively bigger since in theory you start coming across tougher opponents.
I'm going to take shots at NL10 (maybe 1 or 2 tables out of 6 at NL10 per session) when i hit £250, if i lose 2 buy-ins at NL10 regardless of results on the other tables, i will move down. Then i will revise my strategy, maybe go for 27 buy-ins (£270) before i next take a shot.
Then once i hit £300+ i will hopefully play a mixtue of NL4, NL5, NL8 and NL10.
5-9/100 is very good
1-4/100 is ok
But you need to look at a massive sample size for true reflection of how your performing at a level, say 500,000 hands
Biggest mistake is to run good then jump up a level and wonder why your getting crushed ()
Took me bearly 4 years to sort my online BRM out, there were alot of steam issues and fringe leaks in my game tho.
Being over rolled really does make your life a tonne easier, rather than continually pushing the envelope. I keep around 130 BIs for 6max 3 table cash/3 table 6max SG these days. Has totally removed Tilt and steam...mostly.
No one winning/losing session should hurt us or effect our mind set. Does depend on individual tiltfactor however.
I would recomment to anyone to be massively overrolled.
NL4 - 22bb/100 (5k hands)
NL5 - 31bb/100 (1.1k hands)
NL8 - 14bb/100 (3.5k hands)
So at the moment things aren't going to bad, hopefully after 50k+ hands in each level, i'll have a better reflection of win rate.
Your returns on all 3 levels are looking good so far, apologies for going off topic slightly but iv'e been looking at ways to record my sessions into BB/100, Could I ask:
1, What formula do you use to calculate your winnings/loses
2, How can i track how many hands p/hour im playing.
Sorry if this is dead basic but im pretty new to the game and think tracking my sessions will help me improve!!!
because sky dose not use tracking software
£/100 ''=100*(profits/handsplayed)''
BB/100 ''=(£/100)/big blind''
if you use my figures of hands played and profit, you should get the £/100 and BB/100 using the formulas mentioned above.
PM me if you are still unsure. good luck.