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i am beginning to think it is just to get the tournament finnished quicker. i have had several sick hands in the last few tourneys and im beginning to think it is fixed. what the hell can i do to get away from this?? did i do anything wrong?
Hand History #476370873 (20:59 09/02/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedorsetdazSmall blind 40.0040.001507.50HARTLEPOOLBig blind 80.00120.005922.50 Your hole cardsK9 huuuuumeFold MADMOOFold zxghostxzFold dais386Call 80.00200.00635.00dorsetdazCall 40.00240.001467.50HARTLEPOOLCheck Flop 10104 dorsetdazCheck HARTLEPOOLCheck dais386Check Turn 10 dorsetdazCheck HARTLEPOOLCheck dais386Check River K dorsetdazBet 240.00480.001227.50HARTLEPOOLRaise 640.001120.005282.50dais386All-in 635.001755.000.00dorsetdazAll-in 1227.502982.500.00HARTLEPOOLCall 827.503810.004455.00dorsetdazShowK9 HARTLEPOOLShow710 dais386ShowJK HARTLEPOOLWinFour 10s3810.00 8265.00
0 ·
1. you made up in the small blind with a hand that just will not play well oop, either raise so you have more options or fold.
2. you found yourself needing something to blame so you say that the client is rigged because well 'quads vs FH just cannot happen' to me.
Advice - Get out of the negative mindsight, admit you made a mistake preflop that was compounded on the river into loss of tourney life. Move on, learn from this mistake and become profitable in the future.
Just looks like you both got owned in a limped pot to me.
River goes bet raise call and you ship? What are you hoping he has? Are you raising for value or to chop?
Raising river is pure Kamikaze.
i was hoping to get called by a smaller pocket pair