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FLOPS Season 2 - It's all over - 1st SoLack (wins £55 Primo seat), 2nd imber (wins £33 Sky



  • edited March 2012
    Chip counts at the 2nd break...

    imber now has to sweat waiting to see if he can hold on to 2nd spot.
  • edited March 2012
    Yeah Yeah.. aceeeed is a fish pfft.....

    ‎>Darntootin posted a small blind 1,000.
    >TRIP5 posted a big blind 2,000.
    >Earl_Gray folded
    >AcidMan27 has gone all in for 19,660.
    >DARK4NIGHT folded
    >Darntootin folded
    />TRIP5 has gone all in for 30,492.50.
    />Unmatched chips returned to TRIP5
    />TRIP5 showed Qd,Qh
    />AcidMan27 showed Ac,4s
    />Dealing the flop (Jd,8h,7d).
    />Dealing the turn (5c).
    />Dealing the river (6c).
    />AcidMan27 has won the hand (40,320) with Straight to the 8 

    No that I'm bitter.. but seriously?? followed by this wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or should that be drat????

    ‎>TRIP5 posted a big blind 3,000.
    >Earl_Gray folded
    >AcidMan27 folded
    >DARK4NIGHT raised for 6,000.
    >TRIP5 called for 3,000.
    >Dealing the flop (Ad,5c,2s).
    />TRIP5 checked.
    />DARK4NIGHT bet 6,000.
    />TRIP5 has gone all in for 5,832.50.
    />Unmatched chips returned to DARK4NIGHT
    />TRIP5 showed 2c,Ac
    />DARK4NIGHT showed Ah,Js
    />Dealing the turn (Td).
    />Dealing the river (Th).
    />DARK4NIGHT has won the hand (23,665) with Two Pairs, Aces and 10s (Ah,Js,Ad,Td,Th)
    />TRIP5 has finished 8th and wins £16, and was awarded 3 Poker Points.

    gg me 

    Excellent series, ta Toon (blatent fix) and cheers Scouse for the tables!!

    Can we ban rebuys next year pls? 

  • edited March 2012

    Well I just managed to do enough to pip Dagnamit, sorry xxx, for third spot and the last prize, but as I went out on the cash bubble it's a bittersweet victory.

    Here is the top 5 at the end of the series:

    1. Solack (4pts)
    2. imber (13pts)
    3. Darntootin (17pts)
    4. Dagnamit (17pts)
    5. pomfrittes (19pts)

    Congratulations to, Solack on an outstanding series and winner of the £55 primo seat, imber for 2nd and the £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat, and...ME...for 3rd and a £22 main event seat.

    I shall alert the authorities who will be in touch with all the details.

  • edited March 2012
    well another fantastic FLOPS series has come to a close, and it went right down to the wire (as all the great leagues do) below are the Final Standings note that 3rd place is decided on the count back rule with  both having a 4th place finish but the 2nd 4th place counting

    Very Well Played to all who won but also to those who came close, it was a FLOPS to remember.

    Many thanks to Mike for coming up with the idea to run this and I for one look forward to the next one

    Player Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Event 6 Event 7 Event 8 Event 9 Event 10 Event 11 Event 12 Entries Total Best 3 Pos
    SoLack 51 11 22 35 1 95 1 47 xx 2 2 xx 10 267 4 1
    imber xx xx 113 2 9 xx 18 28 2 35 11 43 9 261 13 2
    Darntootin 31 4 46 20 45 39 28 13 4 xx 26 9 11 265 17 3
    Dagnamit 9 8 103 8 94 41 49 5 9 xx 4 25 11 355 17 4
    pomfrittes xx xx 7 58 50 27 36 1 27 11 21 13 10 251 19 5
    jh16 xx 9 68 1 xx xx xx 17 13 9 12 10 8 139 19 6
    TRIP5 xx 16 xx 11 xx 6 52 19 xx 22 xx 8 7 134 25 7
    yidette9 xx 67 166 12 34 xx 31 xx 3 xx 50 11 8 374 26 8
    Kiwini4u 48 21 100 13 14 50 13 51 26 5 29 xx 11 370 31 9
    Quietman xx 28 76 xx xx 25 xx 4 xx 6 31 38 7 208 35 10
    doddles 36 xx 150 18 72 xx 45 15 28 41 3 xx 9 408 36 11
    scorpio13 44 128 153 44 xx 28 26 9 15 33 15 40 11 535 39 12
    AcidMan27 xx xx 8 17 xx 77 22 23 xx 21 xx 6 7 174 31 13
    MYSHARKY 11 102 158 41 47 72 55 59 xx 1 41 53 11 640 53 14
    FLASHJONNY xx xx 87 27 46 42 38 xx 8 25 xx 34 8 307 60 15
    FlyingDagg 30 39 51 59 xx 56 16 xx xx xx 28 16 8 295 60 16
    MAXALLY 43 50 99 33 89 44 30 xx 23 xx xx 17 9 428 70 17
    jjjach 59 77 145 37 xx 22 47 36 22 xx 36 32 10 513 76 18
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: FLOPS Season 2! ***3 GREAT PRIZES TO BE WON - Everything will be decided tonight in, Event 12: FLOPS MAIN EVENT Sunday @ 20:15***:
    Well I just managed to do enough to pip Dagnamit, sorry xxx, for third spot and the last prize, but as I went out on the cash bubble it's a bittersweet victory. Here is the top 5 at the end of the series: 1. Solack (4pts) 2. imber (13pts) 3. Darntootin (17pts) 4. Dagnamit (17pts) 5. pomfrittes (19pts) Congratulations to, Solack on an outstanding series and winner of the £55 primo seat, imber for 2nd and the £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat, and...ME...for 3rd and a £22 main event seat. I shall alert the authorities who will be in touch with all the details.
    Posted by Darntootin

    Well done.  Its been fun, despite being pipped at the post, and has made my hols most enjoyable.  Back to the drudgery of work for me then.  Hope you all do really well in your respective tournaments, TID.
  • edited March 2012
    Well played to the top 3 and everyone!

    Had a few shocking events myself, being the bubble or one off the bubble 3 times, so so stupid :/ lol.
    Thanks for organising it all and the quick table updates scouse_red, great series!

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: FLOPS Season 2! ***3 GREAT PRIZES TO BE WON - Everything will be decided tonight in, Event 12: FLOPS MAIN EVENT Sunday @ 20:15***:
    Well I just managed to do enough to pip Dagnamit, sorry xxx, for third spot and the last prize, but as I went out on the cash bubble it's a bittersweet victory. Here is the top 5 at the end of the series: 1. Solack (4pts) 2. imber (13pts) 3. Darntootin (17pts) 4. Dagnamit (17pts) 5. pomfrittes (19pts) Congratulations to, Solack on an outstanding series and winner of the £55 primo seat, imber for 2nd and the £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat, and...ME...for 3rd and a £22 main event seat. I shall alert the authorities who will be in touch with all the details.
    Posted by Darntootin
    Thanx DT and Chris of course - brilliant comp - i really wanted to take this down but i am going to go for heads in the bounty hunter - can't wait till next time (hopefully without rebuys)
  • edited March 2012

      Excellent series Darn, really enjoyed it and big thanks to Chris for the updates.

      Well done to Solly, Darn and Imber on your prizes, hope you run good in your respective tournies.
  • edited March 2012
    So that's it for the second season of the FLOPS :(

    I hope that you all had as much fun playing in it as I did running it.

    A great big thank you to Chris (scouse_red) for his sterling work on the tables, Tikay / Sky for the prizes and to everyone who signed up and played in the events.

    Kudos to Kiwini4u who was the only Flopper to play in every event.

    SoLack is...


    See you for Season 3 in four months...ish...
  • edited March 2012
    Can I put in a request Toon...

    I really struggled with the 7.15 start time to mid-week games.. as did a lot of people with commitments..

    Is it possible to use a 7.45 or even 8.15 start time for midweek games next time??

    Also, please get rid of the rebuys,.. Yidds got took out twice and Mike1975 three times and both outlasted me lol

    Really enjoyed playing these!!!

    Viva Flops 3 ;o)) 

  • edited March 2012
    Congratulations to Solack on winning the series.

    Well done to Imber and Darntootin for finishing 2nd and 3rd and taking the prizes.

    Thanks to Darntootin for doing this again and massive thanks to Chris for doing all of the tables and results.

    Sorry to Pom and Trip5 for my magical binking abilities tonight.

  • edited March 2012
    thank you dt and Chris - great series and thanks to sky for the prizes. - sorry i missed final event - meant to play but forgot to register doh - bring on the late entrys imo.
  • edited March 2012
    welldone solack played well yeah 1 hr late registrations would be great 
  • edited March 2012
    congrats to Solack, imber and Darn for your well deserved prizes.

    Really enjoyed this series (ahem, when I've been in the right games!) lol

    Extremely well run, many thanks Mike and Chris :) xx

    floppa's ftw
  • edited March 2012
    thank you very much i did enjoy it did better than last year and you all did a great job
  • edited March 2012
    Thank you for all the kind words of support.

    With regards to the later start times for events in any future series, well there just aren't many mtt's at the £1-£3 buy in at that time on the Sky tournament schedule, so I'm afraid my hands are tied.

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: FLOPS Season 2 - It's all over - 1st SoLack (wins £55 Primo seat), 2nd imber (wins £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat) 3rd Darntootin (wins £22 Main Event seat):
    Thank you for all the kind words of support. With regards to the later start times for events in any future series, well there just aren't many mtt's at the £1-£3 buy in at that time on the Sky tournament schedule, so I'm afraid my hands are tied.
    Posted by Darntootin
     that'll be Dagnamit making sure you don't pip her to the post again :))
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: FLOPS Season 2 - It's all over - 1st SoLack (wins £55 Primo seat), 2nd imber (wins £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter seat) 3rd Darntootin (wins £22 Main Event seat):
    Congratulations to Solack on winning the series. Well done to Imber and Darntootin for finishing 2nd and 3rd and taking the prizes. Thanks to Darntootin for doing this again and massive thanks to Chris for doing all of the tables and results. Sorry to Pom and Trip5 for my magical binking abilities tonight.
    Posted by AcidMan27

      LOL  No probs m8, was gutted tbh as would have been in a good position to kick on and take 2/3rd spot, although obv not as gutted as Irene when you missed your ace but binked the str8.
  • edited March 2012
    Very well done to Solack, Imber and the organiser himself (rigged i say,lol) Hope you run golden in your respective tournies!

    Many thanks to Darn and red for an excellent series- roll on the next one :)
  • edited March 2012

    I would like to thank mike and chris for all their hard work look forward to the next Flops con gats to the winners

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