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was this a fold or am i to playing to dont look at river yet....
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxSmall blind 75.0075.008260.00wayne1958Big blind 150.00225.0011742.50 Your hole cardsQJ xxxCall 150.00375.0013495.00cccFold xxxxxCall 75.00450.008185.00wayne1958Check Flop 79J xxxxxxCheck wayne1958Bet 150.00600.0011592.50xxxxxxxCall 150.00750.0013345.00xxxxxCall 150.00900.008035.00Turn 10 xxxxxxCheck wayne1958Bet 450.001350.0011142.50xxxxxxxxCall 450.001800.0012895.00xxxxxxxxRaise 2700.004500.005335.00wayne1958Fold xxxxxxxxxCall 2250.006750.0010645.00River
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