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Been playing skpoker on a recreational (between 2 -5 games a night, about 3 nights a week) but still competitive and fairly tight basis. I think I've been doing OK as I've made a profit. I play predominately DYMs, £5 tourneys when I have at least 4 hours to spare, and the new time limited games heve proved to be a happy hunting ground.
I've also had a couple of decent wins in re-buy tournaments (£3 and £5). Re-buys I've enjoyed but get a bit nervous if I end up re-buying 4 - 6 times but, you really want to get back at that donk who made an unbelievable call and hit lucky! I like re-buys as many people play really loose in the re-buy stage and then seem to not adjust when the buy-in period ends. My tight style seems to work well in these tourneys.
I didn't start off too well and was nearly £100 down at one stage, but you learn from your mistakes e.g. chasing blinds and not folding when you know you really should, just because you've got some chips in the middle.
I feel my stats, taken from sharkscope are pretty good.
Games Played: 469
Average Profit: £1.63
Average stake: £5
Av. ROI: 40%
Total profit: £764
Ability/100: 74
My current bankroll is around £200. I was thinking if I can get it up to around £220 I could move up to £10 buy- ins.
Time to move up to £10s or stick to what I'm currently comforable and feel I can make a bit of profit? Are players at £10 level that much better?
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For DYMs you can cope wioth 22 buyins if you a good at them, but MTTs are much moar variancy
if you want to go upto 11s, then please read JCs blogg about br mgmt.... when u get to a level where you can afford the 22 buyin. try one. if you lose go back down a level until u can afford the next level.. if you win fine, but if u drop below the 22 buyin, then u must drop the level..
look forward to seeing u on the 11s infutre, then the 16-50s and 22s
aim for
then spin another 3
You need sharkscope for £11 level imo, more capable regs
Guess I will have to let my bankroll go up some before I play £10 MTTs. I'll give £10 DYMs a go if/when I get to about £250. If I lose 3 or 4 then go back to £5.
I think NColley is right about sharkscope stats on re-buys - I remember thinking at one point that sharkscope total profit didn't quite tally with my actual profit so my actual profit is probably a bit lower - not by as huge amount but lower nevertheless.
I've got a couple of weeks off work coming up so I should get a lot more games in.
I'll let you know how I get on!
I went about £50 down at one point, now about £40 down. If I'd had the same run playing £10 buy-ins I would have lost half my bankroll
But because I stayed at £5 the loss is manageable. I don't think I was playing badly - I hope not. But I think my stake:bankroll ratio was right so I can ride out this downswing.
So, thanks again guys.
Cuh, what's this cash game stuff. Played a few games now and I can't believe how different it is. Still can't work out if they are better players or if I'm just rubbish at cash. Definitely sticking to 2p/4p games there until I understand it better and why it is so different to tournament play.
If i were to get to £500 then i would play the £10 DYM,s and see how it goes
Had a bad, bad run on DYMs, didn't cash in 10 games but still surprised I'm down overall.I can't do custom searches on sharkscope so thanks for that.
SNG is swingy but overall trend is up but your right, my performance at scheduled tournaments is miles better. Looks like I've been concentrating on the wrong thing! Scheduled tournaments are only about 40% of of my games - need to up that percentage.
Its weird though - its all poker, you're trying to take the other players chips but you can be so much better in one style of the game than another.
No more than £5 buy ins for me at the moment.
Thanks for the help guys. I've been fooling around on-line for a couple of years, but have now decided to improve and be more successful.
And its definitely not time to move up!