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I thought i would start a thread on bingo calls. is it bad play or are players changing the way they play on sky.we are told that in the long run its bad play and these players lose. well im finding its happening all the time now from the start of most games. i have been scoping a lot of the players doing it and was shocked to find a lot of them are not losing players. now i know at a certain point of the game the flip is a valued asset, but right from the start. I feel at the moment that im not playing poker. im standing in front of a slot machine with a big tub of dimes shoving them in anHand History #479716830 (20:21 16/02/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepryce6Small blind 15.0015.002800.00henners10Big blind 30.0045.004061.25 Your hole cardsAA xaynCall 30.0075.002163.75Wacko90Fold drumahai05Raise 120.00195.002660.00PUCPOUNDAll-in 437.50632.500.00pryce6Fold henners10Call 407.501040.003653.75xaynCall 407.501447.501756.25drumahai05All-in 2660.004107.500.00henners10Fold xaynAll-in 1756.255863.750.00drumahai05Unmatched bet 586.255277.50586.25xaynShow910 drumahai05ShowAA PUCPOUNDShowAK Flop 876 Turn 3 River J xaynWinStraight to the Jack5277.50 5277.50d hoping for a flop
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It shows that 1) the main event fields must really contain a high number of even worse players, 2) even bad players can make profit from poker.