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It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread***



  • edited February 2012
    I don't want anyone to think I was leaping to Daniel's defence earlier because of my relationship with him (it's purely platonic, by the way). There are enough Negreanu fanboys in the world without me jumping on the bandwagon :)

    I just wanted to clarify EXACTLY what he said in his video blog. For the most part, I found his comments pretty amusing (I think his tongue was clearly lodged in his cheek). I can see how some people believe he's "out of line" for seemingly endorsing a hypothetical act of physical violence, but I don't think we should let him become the villain here. In my opinion, we must not forget that the terrible trio (Bitar, Federer and Ferguson) have committed morally reprehensible acts and are still walking the streets of America with millions of dollars of other people's money.

    A proportional response? Well, I'll leave you with this memorable scene from the Woody Allen classic 'Manhattan' (1979)...

    Isaac Davis: Has anybody read that Nazis are gonna march in New Jersey? Y'know, I read this in the newspaper. We should go down there, get some guys together, y'know, get some bricks and baseball bats and really explain things to them. 
    Party Guest: There is this devastating satirical piece on that on the Op Ed page of the Times, it is devastating. 
    Isaac Davis: Well, a satirical piece in the Times is one thing, but bricks and baseball bats really gets right to the point. 

  • edited February 2012
    Can we please get a replay of the James Hartigan rap, just for comparison?

    I promise not to capture it and remix it into a 3 minute rap video*.

    *not true
  • edited February 2012
    On the Full Till matter. It baffles me that players keep 10's of thousands actually in the poker account, surely safer to keep it in a bank and feed the account when needed. There were lots of safe banks out there. Barings, Northern Rock, Icelandic Bank ! lol
  • edited February 2012

    James, chillax babe.

  • zzrzzr
    edited February 2012
    Hi all great show and great guest until he started to rap lol, just a few thoughts though. 1st Tiksay has made alot of sense tonight even though i have been playing his ABC game on cash for the last 4 months and now a losing player, oh well lol. As for Daniel negreanu alot of it is tongue in cheak but lets not forget he is a sponsored pro. I just think it would be best if none of the poker sites sponsored any player then atleast the mud wouldn't be slung so far, just my opinion no axe to grinde
  • edited February 2012
    Sigh, you missed the previous hand where we had some fun on the flop with Ten high versus seven high.
  • edited February 2012


    Can you ask the Proclaimers are they touring again this year?

    Btw , the one nearest you has fairly let himself go.........

    Great show guys

  • edited February 2012
    What can I say?

    I enjoy tilting tikay!

    That is all.


  • edited February 2012
    Sigh. We all agreed to limp. To annoy you!!!

  • edited February 2012

    thre is only one MAIN+MINI double player...chriscardy


    main event 19th with 22 left
    mini  13th with 13 left

  • edited February 2012
    Can't understand how that story on the Chat Box about the guy saying he's gay is even a story, I mean, who cares? -_-

    Good show as always :) Although needs more hands and less hands at once.
  • edited February 2012

    thre is only one MAIN+MINI double player...chriscardy


    main event 6th with 15 left
    mini  11th with 13 left

  • edited February 2012
    Just me who thinks tonights show was pretty ridic.  Only caught the last 2 hours , although tommy n james might have been having some fun. The show was by far the worst iv'e ever seen,  turned off towards the end .

    There are Hundreads of players that would love to have their play anaylsed on the show by the 'experts' , yet instead they show hands that they knew  were played badly on purpose, as some sort of joke.

    Also why on earth is there even a sitNgo player analysing cash in the first place, blows my mind.   I wouldn't expect to tune into the F1 on sky next season, and see Andy Gray and Richard Keys presenting/analysing.   Or see Jamie Redknapp analysing the Heineken cup Rugby.

    Then to see James and Tommy, slightly mocking the guest in the chat box, and see James swearing, (when other players have been banned for this ),   pretty dissapointing.  I thought James Atkins did a great job under the circumstances and did his best to even analyse the "joke" hands.

    Anyway, to sum up, pretty awful show in my opinion , others may not agree, but thats my opinion,  learnt pretty much nothing about poker, other than the fact that some poker pro is gay,  exciting stuff.  Safe to say i will not be watching again.
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread***:
    In Response to Re: It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread*** : i always play blind (need spec-savers) and i`m mental, so yes all the time.
    Posted by spornybol
    i use spec savers lol great post ty
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread***:
    Just me who thinks tonights show was pretty ridic.  Only caught the last 2 hours , although tommy n james might have been having some fun. The show was by far the worst iv'e ever seen,  turned off towards the end . There are Hundreads of players that would love to have their play anaylsed on the show by the 'experts' , yet instead they show hands that they knew  were played badly on purpose, as some sort of joke. Also why on earth is there even a sitNgo player analysing cash in the first place, blows my mind.   I wouldn't expect to tune into the F1 on sky next season, and see Andy Gray and Richard Keys presenting/analysing.   Or see Jamie Redknapp analysing the Heineken cup Rugby. Then to see James and Tommy, slightly mocking the guest in the chat box, and see James swearing, (when other players have been banned for this ),   pretty dissapointing.  I thought James Atkins did a great job under the circumstances and did his best to even analyse the "joke" hands. Anyway, to sum up, pretty awful show in my opinion , others may not agree, but thats my opinion,  learnt pretty much nothing about poker, other than the fact that some poker pro is gay,  exciting stuff.  Safe to say i will not be watching again.
    Posted by 1267

    1)  There was one joke hand in there, the one where everyone limped pre.  The rest was serious.  I did not request for that hand to be shown or request any hand.

    2)  Please tell me where I mocked the guest.  I disagreed with some of the analysis yes and we were chatting about that, at no point was there mocking.  I made a comment that I felt James Atkin's comment that you shouldn't be just playing the player and not your cards was a SnG mentality.  This is the closest thing to mocking I can think i said but this wasn't meant to be mocking, more importantly it's true.  In SnGs there is very little 'playing the player; and James is a SnG master.

    3)  Apart from the limp pre hand I did not play one hand badly on purpose.  I managed to do that all accidentally.

    4)  I can't remember any 'filter-breaking' in the chat box at all regarding swearing.
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread***:
    . There are Hundreads of players that would love to have their play anaylsed on the show by the 'experts' , yet instead they show hands that they knew  were played badly on purpose, as some sort of joke. .
    Posted by 1267
    One last thing on this point.  I had no idea that it was this table to be shown all night and there were plenty of empty seats up until 10:50.  Also if you or anyone wanted to sit you could have asked in the chatbox and I would of stood.  As I recall you never made any comment in the chatbox.
  • edited February 2012
    Not a bad show but pretty dissapointed doesnt seem we got the full use of Eptimised, i have discussed with couple others who agreed probaby wasnt worth posting some questions. 

    I am aware you read out a couple things from me, but some good questions were missed IMO. I also understand not all questions can be asked but felt it could have been done a bit better. 

    Chat box is ok but maybe like half an hour seems bit dragged on,

    As you say cant please them all but just thought i would offer my POV(constructive criticism). 

    I hope this is taken the way it is intended. 


  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread***:
    In Response to Re: It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread*** : 1267 1)  There was one joke hand in there, the one where everyone limped pre.  The rest was serious.  I did not request for that hand to be shown or request any hand. 2)  Please tell me where I mocked the guest.  I disagreed with some of the analysis yes and we were chatting about that, at no point was there mocking.  I made a comment that I felt James Atkin's comment that you shouldn't be just playing the player and not your cards was a SnG mentality.  This is the closest thing to mocking I can think i said but this wasn't meant to be mocking, more importantly it's true.  In SnGs there is very little 'playing the player; and James is a SnG master. 3)  Apart from the limp pre hand I did not play one hand badly on purpose.  I managed to do that all accidentally. 4)  I can't remember any 'filter-breaking' in the chat box at all regarding swearing.
    Posted by TommyD
    There was 3 or 4 players, on the waiting list for nearly the hour, anyway, i wouldn't expect you to stand for anyone else, You've sat down, first come first serve, i have no issue with that.
      In general i  have no problem with what u did personally,  just ridiculous from Sky to show this hand in my opinion, when there is 100s of players who would love to have their play analysed , and for people (presenters) in the chat box to be saying,  lets all limp next hand"  etc..  (when they know it will be on tv)  just seems tragically unprofessional.   So exciting for us to watch ...
    Like i said,  only slight mocking ,  little digs like "oo don't limp on the button" (james will have a go at you)   etc..  Just thought it was a little unfair when he has no way of replying.    Like i said,  seemed very odd for a SitnGo master to even be analysing cash in the first place.

    Just dissapointed in Sky generally,  the tv channel is one major thing that sets aside Sky from other poker sites, and tonight i felt they made a massive mockery of it.

    I have no problem with what you did personally, you a clearly a great player (who i loving watching on the show), and like u said, u didn't ask for the hands to be shown.
    Great thread btw,  keep it up. 
  • edited February 2012
    I must have been watching a different show to some of the above posters.

    The show tonight was probably the best, for entertainment value, that I have seen from the new studio.
    Orford and Kendall have a wonderful comedic chemistry, that makes me chuckle frequently, and James Atkin contributed more than many guests, across a range of subjects.

    I accept that it didn't have the level of poker analysis, that the one I watched a few days ago with Ryan as the analyst, had, but it's very healthy that different presenter / analyst combinations, produce a variance in type of show.

    I, like many others, dearly miss the Saturday Mastercash show, but, after a slow start, I am warming to the new stuff.

    I also think ripping a 5 hour show to pieces, because of one hand that should / shouldn't have been shown, is a little unfair, to say the least.

  • edited February 2012
    I didn't see tonights show as I was out, but will catch it on the repeat as James Atkin is a sick sick player, and althought I haven't met him, he is a legend in UK poker and someone who I have followed thru his blogs for a long time.

    What I will say to 1267 about the lack of Sit and Go analysis is that the production team tried to get some SnG tables changed to have a TV icon before broadcast.  This obviously didn't happen, for whatever reason, but they were well aware of James' skillset and how his insight could be best used.

    Hopefully if and when James comes on again then there will be some SnG TV tables as Sky Poker TV can only show hands from TV flagged tables.
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: It's Tuesday night live with Rich, Tikay and James Atkins! ***official thread***:
    I must have been watching a different show to some of the above posters. The show tonight was probably the best, for entertainment value, that I have seen from the new studio. Orford and Kendall have a wonderful comedic chemistry, that makes me chuckle frequently, and James Atkin contributed more than many guests, across a range of subjects. I accept that it didn't have the level of poker analysis, that the one I watched a few days ago with Ryan as the analyst, had, but it's very healthy that different presenter / analyst combinations, produce a variance in type of show. I, like many others, dearly miss the Saturday Mastercash show, but, after a slow start, I am warming to the new stuff. I also think ripping a 5 hour show to pieces, because of one hand that should / shouldn't have been shown, is a little unfair, to say the least.
    Posted by jakally

    well said Mr Giblin

  • edited February 2012
    To quote The Joker in 'The Dark Knight'...

    "Why so serious?"

    For me poker will always be a recreational pursuit. As such, I like to have fun while playing. That's why I chose to sit at a low stakes 'Action' table last night.

    Did I do some funky stuff? Yes. Could this be perceived as splashing around? Sure. However, only one hand was "played badly on purpose" and was intended as a "joke." This was part of a long-running gag on channel 865 about tikay's attitude towards pre-flop limpers. I'm a great believer that one should take any and every opportunity to tilt tikay!

    To be fair to the old fella, he immediately identified the hand as a "level," but James A. (bless him) soldiered on, analysed the hand and, justifiably, tore me a new one.

    I don't believe I (or Tommy, for that matter) "mocked" James A. Sure, a couple of times, I questioned if he knew he was watching an 'Action' table (where the small blind and big blind are both 30p), because I was surprised he described a 4x raise as a "significant over-raise." I would like to point out that the producer in the gallery was monitoring the chat box and was frequently relaying my comments to Richard and tikay in the studio, giving James A. the all-important right to reply. For the record, I would also recommend applying the sarcasm filter to 90% of what I write :)

    I took great delight in James A. seeing TommyD at his worst and drawing the conclusion that he's a giant fish, based on two or three hands. It always amuses me when hands are analysed in the proverbial vacuum.

    However, given the difficulty of his brief, I thought James A. did an excellent job. How could anyone not learn ANYTHING from his advice? In fact, I thought the whole show was excellent from start to finish (my contributions notwithstanding). Rich and tikay were both on top form. Shame about James's rapping.

    Finally, I may have jokingly insulted TommyD in the chat box last night. This is because I know Tommy reasonably well and know he doesn't take my comments at face value. If anyone else at the table, or on the rail was offended, I apologise.

  • edited February 2012
    Nice post James
  • edited February 2012
      Boys night out  
      Not very hip to much lip
      What did we learn about sit&go 
      Not very much Ho Ho Ho
      Much improved is my rap
      But me thinks there's a gap
      If they don't get it right
      It' ll end in a fight 

     Anyone remember the stutter rap.?
  • edited February 2012
    nice post james, the only prob i had with show was 5hrs of it went to quick that`s how much i enjoyed it, time flew quicker than concord did.
  • edited February 2012
    tbh last nights show was refreshing

    all to often previously guests have been informed the regular is a good solid player and they are then wary of criticising them

    what atkins did is analyse the hand at completley face value which is all he could do and in that particular hand he was spot on

    great analyst
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