I'm on the site this Thursday night. And, by popular demand I'm putting this thread up early this week so as many players know about this amazing challenge as possible.
It's been running a fortnight, is increasing in popularity and is quite simply, too good not to give at least one go.
All you've got to do is record the biggest profit in a single timed tournament between 7pm till midnight on Thursday night.
That's it!
It's a really fun challenge and you can give it as many goes as you want.
The prize for the player who beats the rest that night?
A free seat into the following week's £15K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter!
Here's what you'll need to do on the night-
Cut and paste proof on to this thread that you cashed in a timed tournament during those 5 hours and then calculate your Return On Investment (ROI) below- like this:
Machka705011£17.62 £400 Gtd 30 mins
Buy-in £5.50
Prize- £17.62
Profit= £12.12 (£17.62 - £5.50)
divided by the buy-in (£5.50)
= 2.20
multiplied by 100 to give a percentage
= 220%
So, it doesn't matter how low the buy-in is, or how long the timed tournament goes on for, because t's all about the ROI baby!
You can keep recording scores all night. I'll just take the single best individual result from all entries as the winner at midnight.
Last week PokerTrev nicked in the dying moments of the night with a very tasty 379%. (Not as good as my 558% that evening, but I can't enter my own competition, can I? All I can do is chirp about it. And chirp I will...)
So, do you think you have what it takes to be the champion of timed tournaments this Thursday night?
I will be in again this week Rich. I'll also be rallying the TPT troops. Posted by POKERTREV
Well this is one rallied Trev, I should be able to join ya.
It's been a while since I've played the DTD which is really frustrating but I've been playing on a laptop that literally lags really bad with just 2 tables, so 3 tables would kill it. Should be back up and running on my other laptop soon though and taking it down for TPT. Also I plan on taking down SPT Brighton lol.
Thanks Paul and Trev- yep- rally the troops- if we get lots of poeple posting scores throughout the nightit should be a lot of fun! And Big Bluster- that's a remarkable score- if you can repeat that on Thurs the prize will almost certianly be yours! Posted by RICHORFORD
Don't forget- win a seat into next week's Sky Sports Bounty Hunter tonight by cut and pasting your Return on Investment from any timed tournament between 7pm and midnight.
It's real easy- see Opening Post for details and copy and paste my entry form template if you need to!
My best was £57 from a £5.50 timed tourney. Might have a little go tonight. I assume the best ROI will come from a smaller buy-in tourney as there will be more players willing to go crazy due to this challenge. The players in the higher buy-in ones will concentrate on the profit first and foremost and the competition is a nice bonus afterwards. I'll be trying to go crazy in a few small ones and see if I can luckbox my way to a big result. Best of luck to the Timed Tourney demons, I hope to take your cash!lol. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
Post your name on this thread and I will add you to the leaderboard and keep track of your best ROI. Leaderboard Name Best ROI% Richard Orford 0 Kiwini4u 0 Waller02 0 DTWBANDIT 0 elsadog 0 POKERTREV 0 Paige55 0 Lambert180 0 Shaun84 0 BigBluster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Posted by POKERTREV
top man trev, I will do you a favour to make your job easier......my roi will stay at 0% i reckon lol
In Response to Re: TONIGHT FROM 7PM: Crush everyone at timed tournaments and win a Sky Poker main event seat! : top man trev, I will do you a favour to make your job easier......my roi will stay at 0% i reckon lol Posted by waller02
£400 Gtd 30 mins
Buy-in £5.50
Prize- £17.62
Profit= £12.12 (£17.62 - £5.50)
divided by the buy-in (£5.50)
= 2.20
multiplied by 100 to give a percentage
= 220%
How would that work?
Prize = £109
Profit = £98
Divided by the buyin (£11) = 8.909
Multiplied by 100 = 890%
Pretty tasty, shame it aint thursday lol.
I'll also be rallying the TPT troops.
It's been a while since I've played the DTD which is really frustrating but I've been playing on a laptop that literally lags really bad with just 2 tables, so 3 tables would kill it. Should be back up and running on my other laptop soon though and taking it down for TPT. Also I plan on taking down SPT Brighton lol.
And Big Bluster- that's a remarkable score- if you can repeat that on Thurs the prize will almost certainly be yours!
I have now set up a TPT (Timed Poker Tournament) Challenge in readyness for thursday night.
Anyone who is interested please see HERE
But remember peeps.....don't forget to post your results in this thread on Thurday Night between 7pm & Midnight.
for tikay`s sponge bath !
Who's up for It?
Please also See TPT Challenge Thread (Timed Poker Tournaments) Challenge.
For anyone who wants to take part but doesn't understand the mathmatics of it, just post your......
Tournament ID =
Entry Fee =
Amount Won =
And I will be able to work out your ROI% for you.
Good Luck
20mins to go before kickoff everyone
Best of Luck
First one of the evening and then onto some £5.50 ones
Good Luck All
Only played a few of these so far but quite like them . Hopefully i,ll have some scores to post up shortly
Buy In £3.30
Profit = £15.26
Divided by Buy In (£3.30)
X by 100 = 463% ROI
Great Start
Thats gonna slow me down a little
Good Luck Rich
LeaderboardNameBest ROI%POKERTREV463Richard Orford0Kiwini4u0Waller020DTWBANDIT0elsadog0Paige550Lambert1800Shaun840BigBluster0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
There was a player with over 20k but don,t think he,s aware of this comp
I've now regged for the 8.40pm £5.50 entry
EDIT : Another slight improvement in 3rd game . Hopefully 4th game lucky
Wheres your updates Rich?
Ps - can you work out my ROI again when u get a minute Trev. thx
Profit = £17.76
Divided by Buy In (£5.30)
X by 100 = 322% ROI
Not as good, but onwards as they say