Shudda seen me own Munst the other night in a tenner hyper. Different gravy. Love durrrr, (hence the name dohhhhh) but I'd have to go for the comedy hand that everyone has seen but no1 can possibly get bored of. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Without doubt the best hand of T.V. poker EVER!!!!! It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it!!!!!!
Shudda seen me own Munst the other night in a tenner hyper. Different gravy. Love durrrr, (hence the name dohhhhh) but I'd have to go for the comedy hand that everyone has seen but no1 can possibly get bored of. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
dont know if they show it in this clip but i remember Dwan making a bet on the side after the hand that Eastgate held the best hand - ie he knew exactly where everyone was at in the hand.
In Response to Re: best hand ive ever seen dwan vs ivey high stakes poker : I can't believe I'm defending Helldonk, but he's right to run it 4 times: If he runs it once, he might get unlucky and lose the lot. Run it twice and he might split it 50/50. Three times and he gets 66% with one loss. Four times and he gets 75%. Five times would prob be too many, he might lose it twice so he might aswell have run it 3 times in that case. Posted by JingleMa
But if he runs it once, he scoops the 200k pot ! FACT
In Response to Re: best hand ive ever seen dwan vs ivey high stakes poker : But if he runs it once, he scoops the 200k pot ! FACT Posted by 1267
Running it multiple times will iron out the variance FACT... he just needs to get in that situation again and he wont/shouldnt lose it again for a good few goes.
seen that hand before i think that is a crazy fold from eastgate tom dwan could have anything just proves hes fearless poker pays of and why he is 1 of the best i have ever seen alond with stu unger ivey and schwartz think it was a nitty fold from eastgate tho ivey would never fold there
It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it!!!!!!