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Live mtt first hand overpair +draw on safeish looking flop facing shove v loose passive opponent
I promised i wouldnt post a hand in the clinic this year, but this one seems wierd to me given reads.
OK 4k starting stack, 30 min clock. So slightly more turbo than an SPT. £10+£20+£20 1R1A
Happy to take both rebuy and add on for what its worth.
First hand of tournament. Hero is BB
Blinds 25/50
Folded to HJ posision who limps for 50.
CO folds
BTN Limps for 50
SB Limps for 25
Hero looks at cards Ad Ac
takes a minute to consider, raises 350 more (400 total)
HJ folds
BTN Calls
SB folds
Flop 2d 3d 7d
Hero bets 600
BTN instant shoves for 2800 more (3400 total)
Hero ?????
READS: I've played with this villian on several occassions and i've never known him to raise much. Everytime hes raised in the past hes always had it, bar the odd cooler on occassion. The limp call pre i expect and can literally be ATC.
So as you can see from my reads im pretty positive im behind at this point. But should i be calling anyways because of my outs v 2 pairs/sets ? I know io can always take a rebuy, but i can also take a rebuy folding allowing me to have an extra 2800 ontop of my rebuy chips.
I know this probably seems like a standard spot. But against this kind of opponent im not sure, hense the post.
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i didnt realise i posted this as annoymous. Was a hand by me.
He could also be representing the flush and thinks you are loose? and he can get you off the hand.
What did you do? and what happened?
worse overpairs, Kd+pair etc, maybe even fd +overs may bein his range as well as hands that beat you. pot odds decent+ you can rebuy
Even vs the suspect range we have alot of equity and well, tis a rebuy.
Plus he protects strong but inferior OPs. w draws.
But mostly, we find ourself in a spot to double up in first hand of tourney with genuine strength and redraw to the nuts when we are behind to a set vs top of his range.
Taking an early run is always going to be a massive advantage. If we are behind or dont improve...........