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I have only been playing on sky for less than 3 months and have shown a nice profit so far.
last night all was well, i was bout £100 up between my 6 tables then a horror 20 mins seen me go from +100 to -150.
AA x2, KK and QQ killed me (all by junk). What i would like to know is, can u show a profit wk in wk out playing such low stakes with such a high variance
I don't think so. The vast majority of poker players don't end up in profit.
I am at the moment but don't expect it to last the year.
My approach is I only play what I can afford to lose. It is a bit of fun, not my job.
I don't think so. The vast majority of poker players don't end up in profit. I am at the moment but don't expect it to last the year. My approach is I only play what I can afford to lose. It is a bit of fun, not my job.
Posted by Urdadi
This might not be what you wanted to hear but it's the truth, 99.9% of players lose money over time. A small number make a profit over a period of years.
A lot will disagree but it stands to reason, if every player who says they make a profit did so, who supplies the money? Most players who say they are profitable are either in denial or don't keep records and are sadly mistaken.
Tikay10 did a great overview on this subject earlier in the week. Someone was asking about managing bankroll and mentors etc and Tikay responded in detail. Worth have a look for.
all the hands i lost with in the 20 mins from hel l (wow it wont let me say h ell) i was a min of 70% fav when the money went in on 3 of them. If i had been sat at a £1/2 table the hands that called me would of folded. is the variance alot higher at lower stakes like 25/50?
secret is you got find the game thats suit your play and pocket ,
and focus in on it ,
mine is deepstack ,
buy in a fiver,
so you see it is possible .
I don't wish to spoil the aspirations of anyone who thinks they are good enough to make living playing poker, but the reality is that a huge percentage who try, fail.
Great results Irish.
In 2005/6 I had mtt winnings of $240,000......In 2007 I couldn't hit a bulls **** with a frying pan. Nothing is certain in poker.
Use strict BRM, 30BI for a new stake is safe and if u plan on cashing out I'd be keeping 50BI in there plus reserves for downswings.
That's not that impressive btw, there are lots of players doing far better, but as a percentage of all players they are less than 1%.
I also have seem so many players on two sites previous to this with a forum, who were "The New Young Gun's"..and like Vegas itself, their 'dreams' went with whatever winnings had come their way..
My advice to anyone playing poker for fun and with a chance to win a tournament is this,
"If you win it, "Spend it" !!! a house , a car, a new coat for your lady, a new laptop, anything !!! Just don't get thinking you've cracked the game and you'll use your win as a 'bankroll' to become a 'Pro'....99.99% of players who go down this road these days are destined to fail .
My reasoning is this: Back in the day before the inter-net, yes there were games that if you knew where to find them and you knew the players, with the right attitude and the ability to grind the profit would come....
Now I'm fully aware there are a lot of very good players who have been making massive amounts online, but as ive said before, overall ..with the amount of people who play online throughout the world, or if you like in the UK alone... the people who make a "LIVING" from the game would be less than 100th of a 1% ... However, Live poker that % could be more, because I do know a few players who still don't play online ..but make a steady profit in the big cash games....
Ultimately I would never say never, to anyone who has 'The Dream'..!! The Live game is a fabulous place to be, as for online ? I'll stick to having fun and if I find a Hi Lo Omaha game that looks like it could get emotional, Ive been known to sit for an hour ...
great post bennydip2,ive read somewhere that only 5% of players are winning players.totally agree spend your winnings dont keep them in your bank roll to fritter away .very sad to see people who have won apacket ,only to end up blowing the lot with nothing to show for it
i have seen pro players saying its not possible to show a profit playing low stakes (rake and variance), and i dont care what any1 says variance is higher at lower stakes. I am a self imployed builder and this year has not been all that well and the extra income has come in handy
i would like to thank everyone for your comments
Higher stakes = More aggression = More variance.
If your a long term winner your a long term winner no matter about variance.
The lower the stakes, easier the opponents, so the games are easier to beat.
Obviously gonna get sucked out on more at the lower stakes due to the amount of morons putting their money in with 3rd pair or backdoor flushdraws time and time again but you need to embrace that because that's where your money comes from at the end of the day. I don't care what anyone says the lower stakes are by far the easiest and if you can't beat them regularly you shouldn't go anywhere near the higher ones. Walk before you can run!!!
but i found cash tables to be recycled money ,
you win on a good night ,
and lose back the next and so on,
but the mtt games are easier to build a bankroll/profit in ,
you may break even or lose a little a few nights ,
but one good win can push you in to profit over that few days ,
i personally like to judge my game in a monthly time scale.
put i always try and be consistent on my buy in amount ,
so in answer to your question i would say mtt deepstacks .
Play within a bankroll, build it up and when you're safely rolled for a level (like i say 30-40BI cash and 50-100BI for STT-MTT) then you can start cashing out your winnings.
People who dont play using BRM go broke.
Sensible post from a proven winner. Check out sharkscope..........WTG rover.
The advice from Benny isn't horrible. Benny and I have been around this game longer than most on here and we have seen the players come and go over many years. He isn't saying anything against good BR management. The point I think is that BR management isn't THE major factor in success. The ability to play poker is. Many, many thousands of players every year have, as Benny puts it ''the dream'' and it's understandable, but the reality is that less than 1% show a profit over a lengthy period. The other thing I have learned is that if you speak to poker players about profitability then 90% are profitable, and that just cannot be. The biggest factor in a players downfall is denial and I'm afraid it is an all too prevalent affliction with poker players.
Benny's advice was to play within your limits and that is sound advice from a survivor. BR management is important yes but staying within your limits will get you through the bad times. Bad runs can last months and even years and nobody's bank roll is that big. Play for fun, as Tikay reminds us all from time to time, poker is a rather insignificant pastime and should be enjoyed for what it is.
If you have 'the dream'' good luck, but you have been warned by people who have seen them come and seen them go.
The .25/.5 cash tables on this site have more variance than the .5/1 tbls. Persosnally I beleive that there are more people playing for fun at this level and are not to bothered about losing 20 or 30 quid or even 50 quid.
I agree with deadluck and ajs as they both have solid arguments. I also agree with benny and elsa - who can argue with the experience they have. But playing live turneys for a living is completely different to multi tabling cash games online.
Can you make profit week in week out? - Yes of course you can, but you can't if your playing for fun. You have to adopt strict brm discipline as stated by deadluck. I beleive you also have to be able to multi table with out losing focus.
I am no expert but these are the same comments I hear again and again from the analysts on sky, and read about in the poker magazines etc etc so those guys must know what they are talking about?