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the way my oponent played this hand made me think he was on some kind of draw but im really not sure whether i played this hand pretty well or whether its a bit fishy, an honest critique would be much appreciated
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewideangleSmall blind £0.25£0.25£30.00Chrissy_CBig blind £0.50£0.75£86.76 Your hole cards44 JimiAls1Fold Die_hardRaise £1.50£2.25£54.88BigM19Call £1.50£3.75£70.24wideangleFold Chrissy_CFold Flop 310J Die_hardBet £2.00£5.75£52.88BigM19Call £2.00£7.75£68.24Turn 2 Die_hardBet £6.00£13.75£46.88BigM19Call £6.00£19.75£62.24River K Die_hardBet £9.50£29.25£37.38BigM19Raise £21.00£50.25£41.24Die_hardFold BigM19Muck BigM19Win £36.95 £78.19BigM19Return £11.50£1.80£89.69
If you're making that re-raise because you think you can get your opponent to fold a hand which has you beat, then I don't think it's the worst play in the world, as there are hands which b/f on the river and have you beat.
Looking at that HH I'm surprised I didn't call, I just though the raise was weird at the time. Which was why I should've called haha.
Dont mind peeling one off flop, but when he fires second bullet we are mostly just winging it. Raising river is turning our hand into a bluff. If we feel like opponent was drawing and misses, flatting seems better.
As is (no offense Diehard) opponent gets there, leads out we raise for some reason - only a marginal amount - and oppo folds TPGK. River is OBV a bad card, for our hand vs someone who had barrelled whole way.
Not sure if its a brag post. We are crushed on river so often, our VB?? bluff?? is just going to get snapped a tonne of the time.
Fold turn, Just in hero call territory. Fine in the minority of spots with strong reads, but not as a rule.
(Yeah, it's a brag thread really lol
if oppo is drawing why can't oppo have a sd
don't get the b/f on river, gotta be b/c or even c/c
I kinda like the river raise when he bets 1/2 pot. Raise />call imo, his draws sometimes hit that King
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Looking at it in terms of long term value, it's probably a big losing play. Bluffing the river is not so bad if you can fold out all those draws along with a ten or even a Jack with an unlikely weak kicker but the raise amount just isn't enough to fold out those made hands, most of the time. You offered him nearly 5/1 on his money to make the call and most of the time a Jack with any kicker will call this bet. Even worse; the King on the river is a card that hits some of those drawing hands that you're trying to fold out. KQ or the King high flush draw haven't made their draws but have backed into top pair. Even though Die_hard has apparently folded his KQ, very few players will lay down the King to this bluff.
If you want to bluff this hand then calling the bet on the flop, then raising on the blank turn looks really strong. You can fold out most flush or straight draws here with a decent raise and put pressure on some one-pair hands to allow you to barrell a blank river. Raising the river looks strong too but your raise size is only likely to fold out hands that you beat. Raise it more if you're determined to bluff here and you might get some of those tens to fold. Generally speaking, if you think your opponent is playing a drawing hand you shouldn't be waiting for the river to come before you try to push him off it. You're just giving him chances to hit.
I think the most advisable way to play this hand is just to fold to his c-bet on the flop. You went set-mining and missed, so don't dribble away more chips... but I do love ballsy poker.
Die_hard, I think it has to be a call. You're beating all the missed flush-draws (potentially including Kd) and 89 as well as chopping it with another KQ. With odds of nearly 5/1 it's got to be at least a break-even call. Though it's probably not one you can make with total confidence.