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Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat

It's time for Vegas and here's a thread to discuss our Viva Las Vegas promotion!

See the details


  • edited March 2012
    is it that time already, well i guess i should try once again, hoping its 3rd time lucky this year
  • edited March 2012
    I am playing my first Micro Sat for £2.50 at 15:50. This is where the path to glory starts! Roll on all the subsequent tournies I'll need to win to get a £10,000 package. Good luck to everyone taking part, and a big congratulations to Sky Poker for what seems to be a great looking satellite structure. VIVA LAS VEGAS!
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited March 2012
    officially using my 1 time here :) 
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread:
    It's time for Vegas and here's a thread to discuss our Viva Las Vegas promotion! See the details here
    Posted by Sky_Poker
    Hi Sky Poker. I just went to where the details of the promotion are. It says the package includes 2 tickets for flights to Vegas and 10 days hotel stay in Vegas. It doesn't say what tourney entry we would be winning. Is this an oversight or is the exact tourney as yet undecided and will be confirmed at a later date? Any further info about this amazingly exciting promotion would be gratefully received.
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread:
    In Response to Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread : Hi Sky Poker. I just went to where the details of the promotion are. It says the package includes 2 tickets for flights to Vegas and 10 days hotel stay in Vegas. It doesn't say what tourney entry we would be winning. Is this an oversight or is the exact tourney as yet undecided and will be confirmed at a later date? Any further info about this amazingly exciting promotion would be gratefully received. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
    Posted by shaun84
  • edited March 2012
    Am I correct in reading that the package is hotel+accomadation only??? No tournament buy in....???
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread:
    In Response to Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread : Hi Sky Poker. I just went to where the details of the promotion are. It says the package includes 2 tickets for flights to Vegas and 10 days hotel stay in Vegas. It doesn't say what tourney entry we would be winning. Is this an oversight or is the exact tourney as yet undecided and will be confirmed at a later date? Any further info about this amazingly exciting promotion would be gratefully received. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
    Posted by shaun84
    Package is £10k which is around $15.5k, ME entry is $10k rest is for travel/accom. Sky arent sending their peeps all the way to vegas to play a side event. Its the big one, gl. 
  • edited March 2012
    Ahhhh all posted at the same time >.<. If it has a tounrament buy in to the WSOP ME why isn't it in the description? I'm so confused 10k seems a lot with no buy in.
  • edited March 2012
    Ah more posting at the same time lol! AWESOME Sat! Must play these! They really should put that in big letters somewhere about the ME buy in =D
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread:
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread : Package is £10k which is around $15.5k, ME entry is $10k rest is for travel/accom. Sky arent sending their peeps all the way to vegas to play a side event. Its the big one, gl. 
    Posted by ACEGOONER
  • edited March 2012
    Beautiful. I assumed it would be The WSOP Main Event. Let's get qualified!
  • edited March 2012
    Too young. FML
  • edited March 2012
    Been waiting for this for TOO long.

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread:
    Ahhhh all posted at the same time />.<. If it has a tounrament buy in to the WSOP ME why isn't it in the description? I'm so confused 10k seems a lot with no buy in.
    Posted by cgoldie
    It is to do with legal issues.

    Don't worry it is the 10k$ WSOP Main Event that you will be playing, if you are so lucky to get a package!
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread:
    Too young. FML
    Posted by Poker_Fail
    Same, FML.
  • edited March 2012
    lol costs £10k for flights and 10 days in vegas. so vile
  • edited March 2012
    Bubbled the first Micro sat but will be playing as many of these as I can. I'll have a blast at a couple of Quarter Finals too. So glad the sats are standard freezeouts and have normal clocks not Frenzie style. It allows the smaller stakes players a real shot at the bigger sats as its all about playing poker not Russian Roulette. Great work by all involved. Bring on the WSOP.
  • edited March 2012
    Made the final once before was gutted didnt get through went out in 9th, really love to go this year.
  • edited March 2012
    Idc about Vegas, I want Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo Turbo Bounty Hunter Rebuys... #SortItOutSky!
  • edited March 2012

    Afternoon Ladies, Gentlemen, & Solack, what great news!

    This will be our 4th or 5th Sky Poker Vegas adventure, & we must have taken - note, "taken", not sent, because we look after everyone out there - and I think every person we have gone there with will say it is the poker trip of a lifetime. More details of how everyone is looked after, & by whom, soon.

    The £10,000 package includes a SUITE at The Rio All-Suite Hotel for around 10 or 12 days, a return airline ticket for one, or two - because you can bring a guest if you wish - & some spending money.
    Several people on this thread have noted that we have not mentioned the buy-in to the Main Event. There are a labyrinth of legalities & technicalities involved here that would make your eyes water, but you just have to look at how we do this every year. We have never mentioned buying players into any WSOP Event, it is called a "Vegas Holiday", but everyone of our winners has played the WSOP Main Event.

    Any questions, fire away, I'll monitor the thread daily.

    Good luck everyone, let's have some fun.

  • edited March 2012

    Incidentally, anyone remember Sue Norsden, aka "KidGirlGy"?

    I think she won her £10,000 package for about £3, & ended up winning over $300,000 in the WSOP Main Event.

    At least some of our players have cashed each year in the WSOP Main Event except last year, when we all ran pretty bad. Hopefully, variance will be kinder this year, & we will get some, err, epic, sick, binks.

    You will also be able to follow the action from home, as there will be daily Video Blogs, written Blogs, & a Live Update throughout. I think Mother recorded almost 100 Videos in Vegas last WSOP, all of which were uploaded within minutes of being shot.

  • edited March 2012
    Thanks for clearing that up Tikay.

    Very encouraging to know that not only do the small buy ins have a real shot at the package, but some have them have had huge cashes!
  • edited March 2012
    Good decision on the 1 in 5 £240 satelite. The £120 last year was a little brutal.

    Fantastic trip, Tikay does all the running around for you, foot massages, hooks you up with the ladies, the works.*

    Obviously going to try again this year, but pretty sure my good luck was used up for a decade when I one-outted someone for the package.

    Good luck all that play!

    *May be an exaggeration, but he and the rest of the Sky team were great hosts!
  • edited March 2012

    Tikay,  When are the dates for this so I can book my hols? Roughly will do! ;-)
    p.s. Well, I can dream!

  • edited March 2012

    I've come to a decision, this year will be the first year in five I will attempt to get into the WSOP Main Event.  Good luck all.  I'm going to take a real shot at this.

  • edited March 2012
    Maybe I'm mistaken (I've never been involved in the WSOP sats) but I'm sure I remember people saying they ran satellites using your Poker Points (so basically freerolls) because I remember someone saying that's basically the only thing you can do with all your leftover points.

    Have they dropped this now? I guess people don't have leftover poker points under the new system.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas! - Official Thread:
    Maybe I'm mistaken (I've never been involved in the WSOP sats) but I'm sure I remember people saying they ran satellites using your Poker Points (so basically freerolls) because I remember someone saying that's basically the only thing you can do with all your leftover points. Have they dropped this now? I guess people don't have leftover poker points under the new system.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Usualy they open up the freerolls nearer the end will have to see if they do it this year.
  • edited March 2012
    The girlfriend has just officially told me to grind these sats, she wants a holiday in vegas apparently. Suits me.
  • edited March 2012
    Can't wait to try these! Any ideas on how many runners there was for different levels last year? I much prefer huge satellites =D
  • edited March 2012
    Would LOVE to qualify for this, am going to give it a real go through the micro sats.

    Best of luck everyone
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