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Oppo is a pretty tight player, havent seen him bluff much n think he is incapable of doing the below play without an overpair.
Against a tight player is it good or bad play too get it in here, the min rr pre has to be called surely.
Your hole cardsJA KKripplerRaise £1.20£1.80£40.61vRaise £2.80£4.60£40.55richteaFold whitesnakeCall £2.40£7.00£11.28KKripplerCall £1.60£8.60£39.01Flop 965 whitesnakeCheck KKripplerCheck vBet £4.30£12.90£36.25whitesnakeFold KKripplerRaise £11.60£24.50£27.41vAll-in £36.25£60.75£0.00KKripplerAll-in £27.41£88.16£0.00tatoheadUnmatched bet £1.54£86.62£1.54KKripplerShowJA vShowKK Turn 10 River 5
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Dont get me wrong dont hate it, but we are always getting it AIOF when we raise and he comes back at us on a coinflip.
If we think his range is two overs we can do it different. But we are always going to get it in behind with zero FE needing to improve with the strong read he has preemyPP. If we are content to flip a BI its fine tho. Think he'll still pay you when a random spade falls when we opt to do it the insured way, given your RAGE :P But as he'll never fold flop I flat.
FWIW without the strong read he has a preemyPP I likely play hand same way, but with the belief we can prob pick it up on turn vs overs when we dont make our hand, but still being willing to get it in on flop if we do opt to raise.
EDIT: Oh and Doh, yes I think I must have been having a blonde moment that day.......
as played I think postflop is fine, even if he always gets it in when we raise, but he should fold sometimes