Another five hours of live poker on channel 865 tonight...assuming the studio lights work!
The fun starts at 7pm. Highlights include: Redmond analysing MY play in a Bounty Hunter tournament (at 8pm), a Sky Poker School lesson on playing mid pocket pairs in MTTs (at 9pm), and selected hands from the £12.5k Primo (at 11pm).
So, what do we need from you?
Be they related to our Sky Poker School topic, other aspects of tournament strategy, cash games, or general queries about the weird, wild and wonderful world of poker.
If you're playing on a televised table, and would like a particular hand discussed on-air, please send us the Hand ID, the name of the game it's taken from, and the reason why you want it analysed.
Inspired by BUILT4SIN's music thread, I'd like to announce the first ever Sky Poker 'Grindie Awards'. There are five categories:
* Best Music (to have on in the background while playing poker)
* Best TV Show (to have on in the background while playing poker)
* Best Film (to have on in the background while playing poker)
* Best Food (to consume while playing poker)
* Best Other Activity (to conduct while playing poker)
Please vote!
As usual, there are three ways to get in touch: e-mail, tweet using the hashtag #SkyPokerTV, or post in this thread.
The Way It Is - Bruce Hornsby & The Triple Range Merge
The Biggest Loser - Obviously US Version
The Hangover - Enough Said
HotPot - South East is best as Lancashire got stuffed in PTN!
Cat Swinging - RNG & Variance Style
Music - The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails
TV - Seinfeld
Film - Remember The Titans
Food - Popcorn
Other - A game of Chess
Have a Good Show James & Redmond looking forward to it
Country & Western
Only fools & horses
Bananas or Pasta
go to the toilet
Hi guys,
Have a good show - looking forward to it! Sunday nights is the only night I get to spend 5 x hours on the computer.
Best Music - Bruce Springsteen - The Collection 1973-84. I've got this on constant loop.
Best TV Show - I always have 865 on in the mini screen. One NEVER tires of Anna at Luton! Altho "My name is xxxx" can grate a bit! Oh and I sometimes enjoy the analysis too!
Best Film - The Godfather II
Best Food - Pasta - altho the sauce can be a mare to get off the screen!
Best Other Activity - Rushing to loo & Skyping. (I don't mean I skype from the loo!)
Question for Reds - 2012 plans/ambitions?
I have a Question for Redmond
My goal this month is to hit 5000+ Cash for Points this month (day ave 162) by playing 4x nl10 over 8 hours, also sometimes i Sat into Main Events but thats just a Bonus, Mainly my C4P will come from Cash Tables.
My Question
Is it better to split up the 8 hours of Cash Table play or play it in one go?? (atm i play 2 sessions).
Your thoughts please
Best music, Depends on how I want to play. If I want to be super aggro then some early Metallica, Ride the lightning or Master of puppets on loop will do the trick. If I want to play tight then something relaxing, Sinatra for example. NEVER listen to J Hartigan rapping. Thats a sure way to put you on tilt for the night!
Best TV show, Obviouly anything on channel 865. I'm supprised anyone watches anything other then the best TV channel on sky. Its educational and entertaining at the same time, by far and away the greatest channel ever made and it just keeps getting better. On an entirely unrelated topic..... any chance of a freebie
Best film, Nothing that makes you concentrate too much, you don't want to get too engrossed in it and lose focus on the poker. The Transformer movies would be a good choice. A bad choice would be This is Spinal Tap. Way to funny to watch and play poker.
Best food, online then anything filling and not messy, fruit, sandwiches are both good. Fried chicken bad unless you want a greasy keyboard. Playing live then you should never eat at the table an anyone doing so should be shot. Don't you agree James??
Best other activity? Well if I'm not listening to music, watching telly or a film or stuffing my face while playing poker then I'm sleeping. Sleeping while playing poker is NOT a good idea!
Johnny cash
Leon: The professional
Shopping on amazon
edit: and does your passport photo make you look like a criminal ?
best tv show - any sport, preferably rugby union. if no sport - Bear Grylls (the guy's mad!)
best film - the Blues Brothers - know it so well hardly need to look at the screen
best food - mixed fruit
best other activity - surfing/youtube
have a good show
Best TV programme has to be Scrubs.
Not sure about the others but have a great show guys, will be watching throughout.
Hi James, Redmond...
Hand Requests
Prompted by Coxy's post I was thinking... do you think that a hand request should only be accepted if play has progressed to Showdown?
Have a good show.
Evening All!
From 7pm its Master Cash 3 10p/20p providing we have no dodgy names! Get involved if you want your hands shown on TV!
Remember get your questions for James and Redmond along with Hand id's from the TV tables!
Best TV Show: Sky Poker, ofc.
Best Film: Haven't watched a film since Inception came out at the cinema, and I've only been playing Poker for 4 months, so can't really vote on this one.
Best Food: What's with everyone picking healthy food? Going to second TommyD's vote for Popcorn.
Best Other Activity: Playing games on the laptop while grinding on the PC FTW! Doesn't help when I want to actually do something on the laptop (Like update my records) and everything is dead slow because I've got Football Manager running in the background, though.
thank for your answer. i agree totally. however my point is not about the hands that sky choose to review. they're fine and you're free to choose anything with the TV symbol too. it is a question about someone in a tournament requesting for a hand to be shown that didn't go to showdown. he/she doesn't know what your hand selector sees.
* Best Music - Johnny Cash.
* Best TV Show - South Park.
* Best Film - Pulp Fiction.
* Best Food - Caster Sugar.
* Best Other Activity - Bungee Jumping (the adrenaline detilts me after a bed beat)
* Best TV Show - see channel 998 or 999, try them and see, they're soporific.