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Is my preflop play ok? and is this a call on each street
play2win02Small blind £0.05£0.05£13.00trevor1954Big blind £0.10£0.15£38.87 Your hole cards88 NoEa5yCa5hRaise £0.30£0.45£22.12bajanFold kungkhieFold angie6108Raise £1.00£1.45£19.10play2win02Raise £1.65£3.10£11.35trevor1954Fold NoEa5yCa5hFold angie6108Call £0.70£3.80£18.40Flop 593 play2win02Bet £1.10£4.90£10.25angie6108Call £1.10£6.00£17.30Turn 2 play2win02Bet £1.40£7.40£8.85angie6108Call £1.40£8.80£15.90River 7 play2win02Bet £2.40£11.20£6.45angie6108Call £2.40£13.60£13.50play2win02ShowAK angie6108Show88 angie6108WinPair of 8s£12.58
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Down the streets his betting is so weak his hand looks exactly like what it is and I think I'm calling along as well on that board.
All else fine
postflop ok I think given his sizing, but if you called to setmine I prob still fold flop
Almost prefer pricing in blinds to MW set mine IP. If we do 3bet pre n get stationed, board comes all the combo's that ruin your hand vs his 3bet calling range and 4 bet range. C-betting isnt great line when he checks these flops as he will unlikely donk out when he stations you pre.
As is we get a favourable flop