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liked my hand, but what now?
DEEPSTACK TOURNY, SITTING 6/26 , 8 PAID...doesnt show here, he started with 24k, me 18k
Hand History #487813669 (22:27 04/03/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTRIP5Small blind 300.00300.0020990.00Earl_GrayBig blind 600.00900.0023467.50 Your hole cardsKQ KICKER605Fold jh16Fold penguin7Raise 1200.002100.0016560.00TRIP5Fold Earl_GrayCall 600.002700.0022867.50Flop K96 Earl_GrayCheck penguin7Bet 1800.004500.0014760.00Earl_GrayRaise 5400.009900.0017467.50
0 ·
Like the min. Like flop bet sizing. Shove or call get it in on any turn, eithers fine.
I shoved quickly and was snapped by offsuit K9 which held. Guess I was about 45/55 there.
The other thing I looked at was my preflop minraise on the button. I would often bet bigger here, up to 3x. But both the blinds had big stacks and with KQ suited I would have to fold to a 3bet. So I thought the minraise better?
No work for a year and a bit of runbad have slowed me down !
Unlucky in the Vegas semi last night, sure you will get there though.
Saving my rungood for Walsall.