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Horrible spot facing a massive bet on the river
What does everyone think. Is this a call? or did I make the right decision?
i think on the river I was initially thinking of checking behind with there being a pair on the board and a possible flush as well. There are a lot of semi bluffs he could be making as well if he has a hand like 7-8 or some kind of 2 pair. I think given I have AA and bet big on both streets its probably the right move to win big. Its all about winning big pots and he probably thought his big bet was being called.
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Aside from that one little quibble, the question is about the river. I think we can assume there aren't many 4's in his range, apart from 44, so what could he be making this bet with? I actually think the play looks more like a flopped set than a flush. I think his effective shove on the river looks like he's hoping that YOU have hit the flush on the river and will pay him off. Most players won't wait until the river to make a bluff. I think we can be confident that 9T isn't going to check-call the turn and then shove this river that's so terrible for his hand and 9T is probably the best hand we can beat.
It could be a lunatic making a wild bluff with air but you'd need significant reads to believe that. Even then I think you should still fold and tap the table. It's just so unlikely to be a bluff. Straights, flushes, houses and quads are more likely... and two pair hands would surely be terrified by this river.
Thank you for your post,
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