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64 player heads up in sit n go section or under schelduled mtt section :)

edited March 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi all i see lambert is doing a heads up tourney but i just had a good session with poker fail who is a good player may i add was just saying how great it would be to have a heads up tourney 64 players to fill up and play i see on the site when u click on sit n go section the most they have is 8 player sit n gos but i was thinking i dunno if any 1 else would be up for it to do a 64 player sit n go 10 min levels 2k starting stack so u have alot of play when the 64 players fill up start playing once every 1 has finished then 32 players etc till a winner with this 64 player heads up tourney it would pay out top 4 i played on a site before i played on sky poker and there used to be a heads up tourney everyday at 2pm on average u get 64 players mainly 32 players 10 min blinds 2 k staring stack and was finished by 5pm so this is why i have thought of this there is 1 downside if u knock some 1 out in 1st minute then u have to wait till all other tables have finished before the last 32 kicks of any 1 think this is a great idea and who could get it up n running anythoughts please i dont think it would take too long for people to register in a heads up comp as u get the regs on here most days so i think its abit of fun for every 1 and bragging rights on who is headsup crown   :) thoughts pelase from steve idonkcallu


  • edited March 2012
    You're not gonna get 64 players in a HU sng tourny on here.

    Esp if you're wanting 10 min blinds/2k stack. Yawn :P

    A hyper one with 8/16 players might work.

    Doubt it's something they'd go for though. 

  • edited March 2012
    they tried to run a hu mtt a few year back, most runners i ever seen in it was 15 so i doubt even now with increased traffic it would attract 32 never mind 64.

    Also i dont think the software supports the format u get on stars etc where its played in rounds as this old tourney when you eliminated some1 you started a new table as soon as some1 else was free meaning you could have to personally knock out 90% of the field and go heads up v some1 whos maybe only played 2 opponents for the top prize not on a level footing
  • edited March 2012
    doohhhhh u get players on here all the time in the afternoon so y not do a scheduled heads up tourney around 2pm £5.50 buy in im sure alot of people would be up for this including me 
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