Good morning.
Field addresses are what appear under your avatar, on a Poker Table. You csn see them by hovering your mouse over the avatar.
They are pre-set to show....
Home Town. (Where account is registered).
Total amount of cash (in cash games) or chips (in Tourneys & STT's) currently in play.
It is a quite simple matter for players to self-amend these Field Addresses, & many do, to include, perhaps, their Sky Poker Team Name, their football team, a nickname, or a humorous aside. All of which is absolutely fine, if not abused, the system is designed to allow that.
Unfortunately, some players have taken to amending these to be offensive, rude, inappropriate, & even on occasion, to try to represent a different stack, or amount of cash, that they currently have in play. This means that when another player hovers their mouse over the avatar, it appears that the player has a stack which is not represented in reality.
There have been one or two complaints recently about the last-named, suggesting it is inappropriate, & could even be construed by some as angle shooting. It may or may not be, but it is certainly not in the spirit of the game, & it is not encouraged.
If you see such examples, & report them via PM to "Sky_Poker", they will be modified as & if appropriate by Sky Poker, & action may be taken against the player to prevent further such occurences if repeated.
Hope that all makes sense, & if you have any questions on the subject, fire away. Not literally, like......
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For those of you looking for 'Sky_Poker' so you can pm us, here we are.
The one thing I'd say is this message will sit in the forum and slwly drift to the back. You should put it at the head of home page and/or top of each profile page. Instead of which it will drift in to the sunset.
n Response to Sky Poker "Field Addresses":
Didn't that guy who pulled off the awesome "oooops i didnt mean to raise" (when he really had the nuts) go on to win the EPT (or whatever it was) .... Genius i say !
It would be very easy to simply prevent players having bespoke field addresses, but we think it is a player-friendly function.
I had a false chipstack partly as a "1up" to those players with really long locations where you can't see a chipstack at all
If people are able to misrepresent their stack sizes in any fashion it is unethical and to call it angle-shooting is merely being diplomatic. It is cheating.
Hide your large chips at a live table and you'll be in trouble but this, to my eyes, is more Sky's problem than the players'. There will always be players that try to gain an unfair advantage and it's up to the site to ensure the integrity of their games by protecting their clients. Allowing players to falsely report their stack sizes via Sky Poker is akin to playing in the casino, asking the dealer to count your opponent's stack and then having them lie to you about it. If a dealer did that to me I'd be minded to see to it that they were sacked.
I don't think that expecting players to police themselves and act in good faith is reasonable. It's naive to think that people playing for money will always behave ethically in the face of opportunity. If this is a possibility on Sky Poker's software, then Sky Poker's software should be changed to prevent it.
Thank you MrLoner.
The matter was only bought to my attention late last night, (around midnight in fact) & I immediately, there & then, sent it up to Head Office for comment.
They have not had chance to consider the matter fully yet, or how best to tackle it, (knee-jerk is rarely wise) but the Post I made this morning, based on their reply to me first thing today, was intended to give some breathing time while a decision was made, & the situation & best resolution examined in more depth.
Your comments are noted, though.
As to the "updates", I will be Posting some news tonight, or tomorrow morning - see the "Software Changes" Thread, HERE
Being a "fan" will not get you a better or quicker answer, but I'm a sucker for good manners & well-constructed Posts, (can't help myself) & that definitely helps you jump the queue.
I don't make the Rules, as some seem to think, I am just the water-carrier, & happy so to be. I don't envy the guys upstairs, not one bit.
Disclaimer - All the Posts on Sky Community are polite & well-constructed, obviously.....
What jobs-worths!! We all knew he was only joking!!