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Royal Flush fold............. nearly
My first ever royal flush but i nearly timed out and folded to a 7p bet, showboating in the chat box.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepavyadieSmall blind£0.02£0.02£2.65Trod85Big blind £0.04£0.06£3.98 Your hole cardsQ10 Incubus_05Fold pomfrittesCall £0.04£0.10£2.14mike1959Raise £0.20£0.30£2.16pavyadieCall £0.18£0.48£2.47Trod85Call £0.16£0.64£3.82pomfrittesCall £0.16£0.80£1.98Flop J3K pavyadieBet £0.36£1.16£2.11Trod85Raise £0.72£1.88£3.10pomfrittesFold mike1959Fold pavyadieCall £0.36£2.24£1.75Turn A pavyadieCheck Trod85Bet £1.68£3.92£1.42pavyadieCall £1.68£5.60£0.07River A pavyadieAll-in £0.07£5.67£0.00Trod85Call £0.07£5.74£1.35pavyadieShowQQ Trod85ShowQ10 Trod85WinRoyal Flush£5.30 £6.65
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